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how many RAPID FIRE pistol ranges in the US?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:17 pm
by Bill Poole
as a club officer, I am compiling some information for a brochure about our club, I believe we have (as one of our 7 independently operable ranges on the property) the ONLY functional, publicly accessible, club operated, 25 METER, turning-target, outdoor, olympic-style rapid fire pistol range in the state. (Ben Avery's has been disassembled but might be rebuilt in the future)

How many such ranges exist in the country?

I know OTC is indoor and Benning is not generally accessible to the public, I have never seen another in the US, but I don't get around much, at least not with a pistol....

requesting inputs


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:19 pm
by Mike McDaniel
Let's see........

The RF bays that I know of are....

Four at Quantico. Status unknown, no matches held in about 10 years.

Two in a club in Bristol, IN. I think those are up & running.

I believe there is one or two in Charleston, SC.

I think there were two in Pennsylvania, but no details.

Then Fort Benning and the OTC.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:53 pm
by Dennis Lindenbaum
Don't forget Georgia - In addition to monthly PTO's at Ft Benning, RF matches at Riverbend just north of Atlanta occur monthly as well as FP, SP, and CF.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:42 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
The Wildlife Committe of Washington operates the Kenmore Ranges in Bothell, WA (near Seattle), including a 25M outdoor turning-target pistol range. This is where I shoot. It's a very friendly club with a lot of good shooters.

During the winter, our leagues are indoors at 50 ft and the outdoor turning targets only get used for the BE clinics run the first Saturday morning of each month. But July through September, the club runs weekly outdoor BE and SP matches. Both the club calendar and the pistol match schedule are online.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:13 pm
by deleted1
The Roslyn Rifle and Revolver club has two bays for 50 ft.---pneumatic turning targets---we had an RF league for 15 years, which used to meet on Sunday mornings---it finally broke up three years ago. The two bays are still there and "operate" albeit they are showing the signs of wear---it's a "home-brew" set up on wheels and the two guys that built it one was a mechanical engineer who connected it to the clubs air pressure target turning system, and the other an electrical genius from NYTELCO, who built and designed the electronics.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:18 pm
by VAshooter
The Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club had a turning target rapid fire system at their range at Cantonment Florida years ago. I know the range is still there but I'm not sure about the rapid fire bay.

Doug in Virginia

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:30 pm
by Sandy
There are two rapid fire bays (turning targets) at Prado Olympic Park in Chino California but they have not been used or maintained since the floods last year. Probably rusted solid but are operable for training with a red light/green light system and a timer for late shot timing.
I have not had any shooters for rapid fire or 25m for many years.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:49 am
by Dave C.
There are two bays in PA that seldom if ever get used due to lack of interest.

Dave C.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:47 am
If one willing shooter shows up, we will have a RF match in VA tomorrow. We will use lights and a shot timer. We have gone that route as lights are what we will face at the Nationals and other major events.

Contact me at

Rapid Fire at Prado

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:32 pm
by Guest
For what it is worth, if there were Rapid Fire matches at Prado, I would attend and/or help run the matches. Are there any other RF shooters in the Los Angeles area? Having to drive to Phoenix or the OTC is a pain in the butt every time I want to shoot a match.


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:46 pm
by Slo cat
Arvada Rifle and Pistol Club (Denver, CO suburb) has two rapid fire bays at 50 feet indoors. These are regularly used during a winter International league and at occasional matches. And some of us train on them too.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:58 am
by funtoz
Nicole Hamilton wrote:The Wildlife Committe of Washington operates the Kenmore Ranges in Bothell, WA (near Seattle), including a 25M outdoor turning-target pistol range. This is where I shoot. It's a very friendly club with a lot of good shooters.
But no rapid fire bays at WCW. The rapid fire range has been stalled at the early stages of construction for many years and there is little hope that they will ever be built. The outdoor range that does exist is an english measurement range in yards, with no possibility of opening it up to metric dimensions. To my knowledge, there are no outdoor rapid fire ranges in Oregon or Washington. I believe central Idaho has one, as they run the USAS regional championships.
