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I'm back on planet earth now

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:07 pm
by Warren
Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but I feel I need to apologize to those I have not returned email to, or have been unavailable to by phone for the past weeks, if not months.

It's a long story but I will try to keep it as brief as possible. To those who don't know me, sorry to waste bandwidth here, I'll probably remove this message in a few days when I figure all my shooting friends have had a chance to read this.

Two years ago my wife Denise was diagnosed with a rare and debilitating illness called Cushing's Disease. We found a leading endocronologist in Nashville who treated her, and she had pituitary surgery (2003), then radiation last year. Subsequent tests showed she did not get a cure.

We did a lot of homework and decided the best endo in the country for this disorder was at OHSU in Portland, Oregon. So Denise took a work assignment just down the road in Salem, OR, and we moved there for a few months from last November. I continued to work for Pilkingtons, but we did have a few teething problems getting phones worked out.

For the past two months, however, things have been a little crazy. We decided to move back to Denise's home town - Shreveport, LA, where she can recover with her parents nearby. We drove with all our critters (2 cats, a dog and parrot) from Oregon to Louisiana, then returned to Tennessee to pack up our 5 years' accumulation of junk in a 26' U-Haul (a fun-filled week I can't say I want to repeat soon) to bring back to Shreveport. We had just a few days before flying back to Portland, where we had more surgery booked. Her pituitary surgery again removed tumor, but unfortunately still did not cure her. So they scheduled another surgery, to have her adrenals removed, which they did Friday 3rd of June. We "escaped" hospital last Tuesday, and again drove back to Louisiana, arriving last night. While Denise is never going to be fully healthy, we've replaced the Cushings (which attacks the body with massive overdoses of cortisol) with Addison's Syndrome, which just means she will need to be on replacement steroids for the rest of her life - BUT 90% of the bad effects will diminish, and she can eventually get back to somewhat a normal life. She has to take it easy for the next few months, but we're extremely thankful to be past the worst of it all.

I can't begin to say how much I appreciate Scott and Rhonda Pilkington, and all of their support over the past months. We would have been in a very bad place without their friendship and understanding. And to all those who have kept us in their prayers, thank you.

And to all those who have sent emails asking for help and advice, I'm just starting to wade through them, and will hopefully catch up in a couple of days.

I'll also be available again by phone, hope to upload a new number in a few days.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:31 pm
by Jay V
Welcome back Warren.

We can all understand how it wouldn't be possible to be in contact with your customers at such a difficult and stressful time.

I'm glad to hear that Denise has finally gotten some releif after all she has been through.

Take care.

Jay V

Thank you

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:13 am
by FredB

Thank you for letting those of us, who have benefitted from your advice, know what has been going on with you. Far from wasting bandwidth, what you wrote reminds us about what's really important, as opposed to the trivial stuff we concern ourselves with daily. May only good things happen for both you and Denise from now on.

Best wishes,

Fred Bauer

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:41 am
by jackh
I am very glad to hear that Mrs P is doing OK. OHSU is one great place.
I did so very much enjoy meeting you and chatting about shooting at Four Corners Gun Club during our winter league. Some of your wisdom actually sunk in and has helped my shooting.

My best wishes to your family - Jack H

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:42 am
by JohnD
Warren, best wishes to you and your family. Keeping it all together in the face of a family illness is no small feat. Hopefully, these travails will fade to a distant memory.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:49 am
by Pradeep2
Glad to hear she's going to be OK.

Good Grief!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:11 am
by Dan Hankins
Thanks for the up date on what you were doing and where you have been.

Tried to reach you a couple of times, but now realize that NOTHING I wanted to talk about was as important as what you were involved in. You done the right thing.

I am sure that I am only one of the many people who have a great deal of respect for you. I hope you and Denise get a break on the health issues as you do so desrve it.

With best wishes for good health and prosperity, I remain,

Bubba AKA Dan Hankins

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:47 am
by VAshooter
Best wishes to you and your wife.

Doug in Virginia

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:11 am
by Jim Cruise
from those of us in sunny Gladstone, Queensland, Australia; we are glad to hear the good news.

As our friend Ian Gilligan would say.......may all your troubles be 10's.


This place becomes extended family

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:18 pm
by CraigE
Warren, thanks for the update and we all hope for continued progress in health matters for your wife and you. Pilkington is and the Pilkingtons are a class act....whether personal or in the realm of shooting. Quality has no regrets except that more people need to realize it. Best wishes, CraigE.

Plentee prayers

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:05 am
by Barry Markowitz
I admire Denise's and your courage...plentee prayers always, Mate.
Shalom, Barry

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:21 pm
by Steve Swartz

No apologies and/or explanations needed.

Our prayers and best wishes are with you both.


Steve Swartz

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:22 am
by Marc Orvin
What an ordeal for both of you. Glad to hear that she has a brighter future.

Our prayers are certainly with both of you.

The Orvin Family


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:06 am
by Ernie Rodriguez
Hi Warren-Wish you and yours the best.You are in my prayers.Erod

Re: I'm back on planet earth now

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:02 pm
by VladB

Thank you very much for an update. I sencerely hope Denise feels better. It is hard to believe you've been married for five years already. It seems like it was yesterday when you broke the news.

I wish you and Denise the VERY best of luck!!

Thank you,


Warren wrote:Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but I feel I need to apologize to those I have not returned email to, or have been unavailable to by phone for the past weeks, if not months.

It's a long story but I will try to keep it as brief as possible. To those who don't know me, sorry to waste bandwidth here, I'll probably remove this message in a few days when I figure all my shooting friends have had a chance to read this.

Two years ago my wife Denise was diagnosed with a rare and debilitating illness called Cushing's Disease. We found a leading endocronologist in Nashville who treated her, and she had pituitary surgery (2003), then radiation last year. Subsequent tests showed she did not get a cure.

We did a lot of homework and decided the best endo in the country for this disorder was at OHSU in Portland, Oregon. So Denise took a work assignment just down the road in Salem, OR, and we moved there for a few months from last November. I continued to work for Pilkingtons, but we did have a few teething problems getting phones worked out.

For the past two months, however, things have been a little crazy. We decided to move back to Denise's home town - Shreveport, LA, where she can recover with her parents nearby. We drove with all our critters (2 cats, a dog and parrot) from Oregon to Louisiana, then returned to Tennessee to pack up our 5 years' accumulation of junk in a 26' U-Haul (a fun-filled week I can't say I want to repeat soon) to bring back to Shreveport. We had just a few days before flying back to Portland, where we had more surgery booked. Her pituitary surgery again removed tumor, but unfortunately still did not cure her. So they scheduled another surgery, to have her adrenals removed, which they did Friday 3rd of June. We "escaped" hospital last Tuesday, and again drove back to Louisiana, arriving last night. While Denise is never going to be fully healthy, we've replaced the Cushings (which attacks the body with massive overdoses of cortisol) with Addison's Syndrome, which just means she will need to be on replacement steroids for the rest of her life - BUT 90% of the bad effects will diminish, and she can eventually get back to somewhat a normal life. She has to take it easy for the next few months, but we're extremely thankful to be past the worst of it all.

I can't begin to say how much I appreciate Scott and Rhonda Pilkington, and all of their support over the past months. We would have been in a very bad place without their friendship and understanding. And to all those who have kept us in their prayers, thank you.

And to all those who have sent emails asking for help and advice, I'm just starting to wade through them, and will hopefully catch up in a couple of days.

I'll also be available again by phone, hope to upload a new number in a few days.