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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:53 am
by David Levene
The official Finals Rules are now available from:- ... 9&file=New Rules for Finals.pdf

(You will need to type in everything after the word "New" as the ISSF are not using link-friendly URLs)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:14 pm
by IPshooter
I finally got to watch the long version of the new final. While I think they made a good attempt to make things more interesting, it still goes too slowly and with not enough intensity for either spectators or TV.

A couple of initial thoughts:

1. Since they have 3 banks of targets, I don't understand why they don't have 3 shooters all fire at the same time. Things would go much more quickly and be more entertaining.

2. How did they pick a 9.7 as the cutoff score?

3. It struck me that they might as well make it a falling plate match. Sure would be more entertaining than looking a computer display. A pistol version of biathlon? And, yes I know, Bianchi Cup.


ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:41 pm
by Rule Checker
The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:18 pm
by peterz
I cannot get this link to work. Can anybody point me to a better link?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:21 am
by Spencer
peterz wrote:
I cannot get this link to work. Can anybody point me to a better link?
seems that the ISSF site is overly 'protected'
follow the links from> the issf > rules > amendments and interpretation > general > New_Final_Rules.pdf

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:11 pm
by David Levene
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.

(Not sure if there are any other changes)

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:14 am
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:05 pm
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.
Another one 26th January

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:29 pm
by j-team
This is real keystone cops stuff... quite entertaining really.

I do wonder what's happening with the ISSF, I see they are having a Rapid Fire Grand Prix in Munich in Feb to practise the new rules. The media release I got was dated 27 Jan, pity the entries closed on the 7th!

It will be interesting to see how it goes and how many times things get changed in the mean time.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:41 pm
by Richard H
I myself have often been critical of the ISSF, but in all honest it's nice to actually seeing doing something. I may not agree with all the changes but hey you can't please all the people all the time.

I applaude their use of social media, their iPhone app is great, there use of Facebook and Twitter.

Not the biggest fan of the dress code changes but I can see their point, it might look better if everyone on the line didn't look like they just wondered into the venue.

The fact that they are trying something new is good it might work it might not but we won't know until its tried.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:06 pm
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.
Another one 26th January
Another one 21st February.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:04 pm
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.
Another one 26th January
Another one 21st February.
Another one 24th February.

I can always tell when they are going to issue a new version of "Version 1". It'l be in the afternoon of the day I print the previous version in the morning.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:19 pm
by Spencer
David Levene wrote:...I can always tell when they are going to issue a new version of "Version 1". It'l be in the afternoon of the day I print the previous version in the morning.
So! You are the one causing the changes!
My wife says for you to turn your printer off.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:28 pm
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.
Another one 26th January
Another one 21st February.
Another one 24th February.
And 11th April (and new Combined Errata)

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:45 pm
by renzo
I wonder what will come next if TV rating figures do not catch up with what ISSF is hoping................ maybe amateur talent numbers by each finalist???

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:13 pm
by peterz
Maybe the audience will be able to vote someone off the island.

Re: ISSF Finals Rules Change Jan 7, 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:17 am
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Rule Checker wrote:The ISSF rules changes posted 12/20/10 were replaced on 1/7/11 to included an omitted rule on 10m & 50m malfunctions. They are posted under "General" at ... ation.ashx .
They've issued another version today, sorting out the apparent duplication of instructions under "Score Announcements after each shot" for the 10m & 50m Finals.
There's another version dated 21st January. Not sure of the changes.
Another one 26th January
Another one 21st February.
Another one 24th February.
And 11th April (and new Combined Errata)
And 21st April (and new Combined Errata)

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:31 pm
by jacques b gros
Real reason for all these erratas is that ISSF is moving away from the printed regs, will start pushing licenced iPads (the judges will be allowed to use only these) at a nice overprice...

In fact I tried to use my Kindle, but it only accepts pdf's and the search feature is too slow. Another problem is that ISSf's pdf's are too big, but it seems that they will break it down to what is really useful for the shooters and judges on the range. General rules plus pistol an rifle in one, general rules plus shotgun in another and all the rest in another.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:48 pm
by David Levene
jacques b gros wrote:Real reason for all these erratas is that ISSF is moving away from the printed regs, will start pushing licenced iPads (the judges will be allowed to use only these) at a nice overprice...
You might be right, but I doubt it. iPads don't fit into the pockets of a Jury vest. 7" tablets like the Galaxy Tab or the Acer A101 do.

jacques b gros wrote:Another problem is that ISSf's pdf's are too big, but it seems that they will break it down to what is really useful for the shooters and judges on the range.
We have been doing that ever since the rules became available electronically; you just create your own. All you need is a PDF writer that installs as aprinter. You then just print sections of the full rules to a new PDF file.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:40 am
by jacques b gros
Hey David,

The first part was a joke! Maybe you're hung over after the wedding...(Two things called attention on that: the younger sister swaying behind the bride and the dame d'honeur closing her ears to the noise!).

But about the size of the complete set of rules, it seems that ISSF is realy going to split them. The last version of the printed booklet was almost impossible to read (very small print) and bulky.

As to the pdf, I translated the rules to Portuguese, so I just saved as a pdf from word. And only sections 6 to 8, covering general rules, rifles and pistols. This was printed on A5 paper, 120g and on bith sides. Quite handy.