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Forum Style

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:07 pm
by dps1226
Definitely prefer the present format. Am Able to go to what interests me.
I would really like to see more " How To" and questions of that ilk ...Training regimens etc., match protocol, mental training , training aids
What about a weekly training question from the moderator to pique' the interest and input from the various disciplines.....what can one discipline
offer in training advice that will help other disciplines ?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:46 am
by viriceman
A classified section with WTB,WTS, etc with posted prices would be a nice addition. Shooters will always want to upgrade their gear and lets face it, there is not a real good supply of used gear out there for the beginner, especially in Air Pistol or Rifle, which is the natural discipline to start in.
It is difficult to encourage Air Pistol here in the VI, because there is little between a $275.00 46M and a $1200.00++ Morini, Steyr etc. I guess that is just one of the challenges that we pistol shooters have to face.
Forum is great, please keep up the good work.
Chris Rice