Feinwerkbau P700 Aluminum

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Feinwerkbau P700 Aluminum

Post by Guest »

I am just ending my sophmore year in high school and I already have my precision air rifle, a Feinwerkbau P700 Aluminum (black) I have been shooting sporter for 2 years and I'm 3rd in Maryland, 1st in county and so on. My team is going to the Jr. Olympics this year instead of Nationals. If I stay sporter throughout next school year I will almost definitly be going to NRA nationals individually, but I'm not sure if I should switch to precision before next school year or not. I am going to a CMP rifle camp in Ft. Benning Georgia this summer right after Jr. Olympics and I still have time to switch from sporter to precision but I don't know which one I should do. I plan to go to college and shoot precision, hopefully Nebraska at Lincoln. My big question is though, when should I officially make a full switch to precision and should I do it at rifle camp this summer? I can get the rest of my equipment before camp if I need to, and I have no spending limit (its my 16th birthday present instead of a car), but Im not sure when I should make the switch. What would you do if you were me?
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Post by jhmartin »

What kind of car? ;-)

Honestly, as a Junior, if you are even thinking of college, you should consider shooting only the p-gun next year.

IF you have good fundamentals, you will shoot scores that will get noticed almost right away.

If you think you are finished with your growth (male or female?) then get the best gear made you can afford. You probably cannot get custom gear made before the CMP camp, but you should be able to borrow some to get you thru that. If possible, get measured and order after the camp .... it can take months sometimes to get it made.

Also, get to know your NRA state director as your state association can send a "state" team to the NRA nationals ... if your high school team doesn't go, then you may have a shot .... there are many ways to get there, so do not let that sway you from moving to the p-gun.

Also .... start looking at what you need to do in regards to the NCAA clearinghouse .... your coach or high school counselor can help you there .... don't let this slip .... now is the time to toot your horn!

Good shooting and have a fantastic summer!

FWB P700

Post by randy8745 »

I agree with Martin and since you have the rifle you just as well put it to good use, especially if want to shoot in college. Sporter is a great introduction to rifle shooting for young kids. However, they don't shoot sporter at the NCAA matches so it makes sense to move into precision as soon as possible.
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Post by mikeschroeder »


The ONLY people in shooting sports who have told me that shooting Sporter Air rifle is the way to get a scholarship are the parents of kids who are shooting sporter air rifle. Kansas has or has had 5-6 kids shooting at UMKC on scholarship. They all shoot Precision......

If you enjoy shooting, then move to Precision.

Wichita KS
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Post by pdeal »

If you are planning on shooting in college then you need to change to precision air now and look to start smallbore too. Many of your competitors in precision air have been shooting it exclusively since 9 or 10. You can make up the time but you will need to focus.

Post by Guest »

I'm now going into my Sophomore year in high school and have plans, or dreams rather, just like you. I started just under a year ago but already shooting precision after shooting sporter for a while Anyway, college is mostly about 3-p Smallbore and Precision Standing Air.
Good luck with scholarships and keep 'em in the center

Post by Guest »

You've got your work cut out bro. Just keep at it and you can become of such a high standard it's worth keeping going.

Penwith CollegeImage

Post by Guest »

this is tough.. whats your personal best. does being a shooter appeal to you more? what are your priorities in life?

Post by Adela77 »

Precision's important for scholarships and everything, but there isn't a problem with practicing Sporter every now and then. Contrary to popular belief, shooting sporter makes your precision better. It forces you to pay more attention to detail because it's easier to make mistakes there. It takes more skill to shoot the same score. Don't dump it completely, just use it as a training method.
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