Nice shootin' there Swartz!

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Bruce Martindale
Posts: 93
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:46 pm

Nice shootin' there Swartz!

Post by Bruce Martindale »

Just noticed you knocked me off the peg and I never felt a thing!

575 AP is pretty good score for the Nationals.

See you soon if all goes well.
Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »


Thanks- just remember us old guys always have a "cast of thousands" of younger, more talented guys putting up the 80s . . . the bar keeps moving upward! It's a race between age, talent, and interest level!

Bill Poole
Posts: 435
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:50 pm
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Post by Bill Poole »

It's a race between age, talent, and interest level!
hmmmmm seems like I'm losing on all 3 counts

Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »


No sweat . . . we just have to choose our role models more carefully (Ragnar Skanaker, Doc Young, etc. . . . )

Bruce Martindale
Posts: 93
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:46 pm

Post by Bruce Martindale »

One of mine is Bill Demarest!

Civilian, Non Supported, family man, working full time and still made the Oly's
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