Choosing a new air rifle

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Choosing a new air rifle

Post by peterz »

I've been thinking about getting a new rifle to replace an 18 year old FWB C-60, and so have been poring over the manufacturers' websites. Several of the companies, maybe all of them but FWB, Walther, Anschuetz and Steyr for certain, brag about having won various major European and World competitions. Fair enough: it may breed shooter confidence to know that you're shooting with a rifle that could take you to the top. But I wonder what it otherwise matters.

Walther and Anschuetz have both had their rifles do very well, Steyr seems to dominate pistol but not rifle, Bindra is a champion with a Walther, and Emmons with an older Anschuetz. FWB either hasn't had much success lately, or isn't bothering to post very many results. On the other hand, if you look at the Anschuetz + Steyer + Walther lists of wins, there are still a lot of top places not accounted for. Did these go to FWB?

In any event, does it matter? Do any of the top makers make 'lemon' rifles these days? Should I just find a place where I can see and touch a reasonable selection and just pick the one I want?
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Post by JSBmatch »

This site published all the wins some time ago by the different makes and FWB came out on top. This was over many years of comps.

All the makes you mention are high end and none are lemons.

We have had this question many times and the best advice is don't go for brand, go for what fits you and how it feels and handles. Every one will one hole group. I guess Steyr are the least popular yet the LG-110 holds the mens world record and FWB holds the ladies world record.

These stats are not that relevant except to the company that makes them and are used in advertising their product.

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Post by peterz »

...the best advice is don't go for brand, go for what fits you and how it feels and handles. Every one will one hole group.

These stats are not that relevant except to the company that makes them and are used in advertising their product.
I was coming to that conclusion. Problem is that there are no dealers within 100s of miles of me, so it may take an airplane trip to get to someplace where I can look and try. That's OK; with at least USD 2,000 on the line I'm not going to mail order something I haven't seen.

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Post by JSBmatch »

Do you have any clubs near enough to drive to to see if any members can show you their air rifles.

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