Sling recommendations please...????

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Sling recommendations please...????

Post by Guest »

I ordered a Kurt Thune II sling, but its on backorder and the fellow I ordered it from does not return my calls and cannot give me any idea as to when I can expect it. I think I'm just going to order something else.

What can you prone shooters recommend for a good sling that's not overkill price-wise?
I like the looks of the Gehmann pulse free one, but would like those that have experience to give me some good advise as to what to look at.

And where can I order it?


2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

David Tubbs two buckle sling is also designed to minimise the pulse beat and is much less expensive. He has one on his web site that is supposed to be legal for ISSF. I be;ieve the cost is around seventy five dollars. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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Post by pfiori »


For the most sling for the lowest cost, look at the Jensen Synthetic ISU sling, available from Creedmoor Sports, in the $45 range. It works great and is easy to use.
After that, take a look at the Anschutz Swing sling, available from champion shooters supply, about $95
The Thune sling is similar to the Anschutz Professional model as well as a few others of similar design, all of the usual supply houses have them.

There was a thread on here recently about the Mec sling that you should search out and read. That sling is expensive compared to everything else so it may not fit your price range.

Hope this is helpful.

Post by Guest »

I had ordered the Kurt Thune II for 77$. Seemed very reasonable. I suppose I dont mind paying in the 125$ range if its worth the money. I find it hard though to dish out 230 for the new MEC sling. Anymore recommendations are welcomed. I'm thinking on the Tubb. I think it would be nice though to have one with the rubber type grip to help keep it in place. But my experience is limited.


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Post by RobStubbs »

The MEC pulseless sling has got some very good reviews and from some very accomplished rifle shooters. I'm going to see if I can have a look at one next week, whilst I'm in Germany at the ISCH competition (not competing though). They are expensive, and I'm having trouble deciding if I need one and/or if I have issues that they would help with. I have a low cost synthetic sling at the moment but until I've decided if a better sling will help me, I'll keep the money in my pocket.


pulseless sling from creedmore???

Post by Guest »

I found it on their sight last night, but cant find it this morning. It looked really nice and half the price of the Gehmann. Please more feedback and experience from you sling users..

The Gehmann micro sling looked nice as well as the Saur exact II sling. Any experience with those???

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