Testing Anschutz 2002s from a fixed rest

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Testing Anschutz 2002s from a fixed rest

Post by mobarron »

Our high school team has 8 Anschutz 2002s and we are testing them from a fixed rest, a heavy U-shaped piece of steel that is clamped to a bench that is bolted to the floor. The rifle is bolted to the rest using its rail so it cannot move. We are getting an occasional flyer (1 in 10 shots) from the rifles. It touches the rest of the group but would be a 9. We are using the Meisterklugen pellets (from a tin).

Our average prone scores in 3P are not good 193-195 so it is possible that the groups from the rest reflect the condition of the rifles. But we are also wondering whether locking the rifles down to the rest is causing the problem. Any thoughts?
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Post by JSBmatch »

They lock them down in the factory for group testing on a very heavy base.
Check to see if the point of aim is not shifting from shot to shot. It might be by a couple of MM and you havn't noticed.
Try a high end pellet such as the H+N Final Match, RWS R-10 or JSB Match.

It may also be worth checking these brands in several different sizes, such as 4.49 and 4.50 just to see which gives the tighter group.

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Air Rifle ammo

Post by ZD »

I would agree with the above post. I would try shooting a higher end ammo. The fact that I have never heard of meisterklugen pellets is probably an indicator of a low grade pellet. Go with Finale match or R-10. Also, I guess Vogel pellets now shoot well. I own a 2002, and I have benched it and put 5 shots through the same hole with Finale match. However, my club shoots R-10 now, and I use it and notice no difference.
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Post by gtrisdale »

I assume that these are compressed air. If your flyers are high or low, it is possible that your regulators need replacing. A bad regulator will result in inconsistent speed of the pellets and will result in higher or lower shots. I had a 2002 that would occassionaly have a shot that was 40 feet per second faster than most of the other shots.
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Post by bellyshooter »

Another thought... have you CLEANED the guns? Airguns need cleaning, too, and not doing so will result in reduced accuracy.
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Re: Air Rifle ammo

Post by frog5215 »

ZD wrote:I would agree with the above post. I would try shooting a higher end ammo. The fact that I have never heard of meisterklugen pellets is probably an indicator of a low grade pellet. Go with Finale match or R-10. Also, I guess Vogel pellets now shoot well. I own a 2002, and I have benched it and put 5 shots through the same hole with Finale match. However, my club shoots R-10 now, and I use it and notice no difference.
ZD, Meisterkugeln are RWS's standard match pellets. Not considered low grade in these parts, though I could never have been considered a serious AR competitor.

Really? Never seen the yellow can? Or the blue pistol Meisters?

Are we talking 2002 CA or SSP? I would be concerned that cocking an SSP in a fixture could lead to change of aim.

Agree with testing various pellets/diameters.
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Post by laxratnd »

My first thing i would do is clean them. Like someone said before air rifles need to be cleaned also, theres a reason why they shoot those great groups right from the factory and thats with a clean barrel. Also pellets can help also. try some R10s or Vogel, i only shoot vogel pellets now and i have been very happy with them.
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Cleaning our Air Rifles

Post by mobarron »

We have shot the cleaning pellets thru them on occasion. The last time we did it the pellets came out without much discoloration. We are a little reluctant to use a brush since we have to do that from the muzzle. Has anyone found it to be a problem?
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Post by frog5215 »

Patches and a pull through.
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Post by JSBmatch »

I believe Anschutz don't recommend using felt cleaning pellets, and as the last post said, use a pull through and always from the breech end.

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Post by TWP »

I've tested several Anschutz 2002 CA's in our return to battery rest at our club.

Every one of them preferred a smaller pellet, usually the R10 4.48 or 4.49.

I say clean the guns then try some various pellet sizes.

With a pellet they like the 2002 CA will shoot a 10 shot group that you can't drop a fresh pellet through.
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Post by pilkguns »

what is your group size ? 10 ring size is 9.5 mm's . Clean the guns with a pull through as suggested. Chheck your velocity, is it consistent within 15 fps? When was the last time the regulators were replaced on these guns?
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