Cheapest 1.5moa rifle ammo?

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Cheapest 1.5moa rifle ammo?

Post by steve_podleski »

I occasionally compete in prone NRA competition where I use Tenex ammo. But I need some practice ammo and since Tenex is expensive, I need some relatively cheap but adequate ammo that can hold the 10ring of the 100yd NRA target. What do people recommend?
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Post by little_doodie »

Sk shoots well in my gun.
I would do some ammo testing with various grades of SK or Wolf.
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Post by Sgt_Gold »

Wolf Match Target seems to be a universally good ammo. Since SK makes Wolf either brand will probably shoot the same.
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Post by M3taal »

I am very satisfied with the SK Standard Plus. My trainer did some tests with it, and its easily comparable to the Eley Tenex (eventho is 1/4th in price)
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Post by 1813benny »

RWS Target or SK.
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Post by Telecomtodd »

Be careful with SK Standard Plus. I did a study last fall (and posted here) about weighing rounds for consistancy. If you can weigh each round and keep all the rounds within 1/2 grain, you will find consistency comparable to Tenex. If you don't, you may have 6 rounds fire a little hotter (plus 1-1.5 gr), 9 rounds shoot low (minus 1-1.5 gr), and all the rest of the box in the ten ring. My little study found these numbers as an average. I used a Dillon beam scale, they are about $55 and worth the investment if only used to sort ammo; I also reload centerfire, so I get LOTS for my investment!
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Post by B&S »

The stuff that I used to buy for practice was CCI standard velocity blue box. It worked great in my daughters 1913. It was as good or better that eley practice. I saved the Eley tenex for the matches.
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Lafe Kunkel
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Post by Lafe Kunkel »

SK standard plus is not what it used to be. I actually used to use it as match ammo as a junior shooter, and it shot great in my gun, I shot my first 1600 in NRA prone with it. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. I just bought a case for practice ammo for the WVU Rifle team, and this batch is horrible. We are averaging 4-5 misfires per box with it, and we are getting some bad flyers that are audibly loud. We have had pretty good luck with Eley Club for practice, but that is also really hard to find right now.

Post by yana »

What rifle are we talking about?
The ammo 1 step únder Tenex uses the same bullethead as Tenex iirc. You can try these. I use them too.
Other wise, it depends on what rifle.
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Post by TerryKuz »

Lafe Kunkel wrote:SK standard plus is not what it used to be. I actually used to use it as match ammo as a junior shooter, and it shot great in my gun, I shot my first 1600 in NRA prone with it. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. I just bought a case for practice ammo for the WVU Rifle team, and this batch is horrible. We are averaging 4-5 misfires per box with it, and we are getting some bad flyers that are audibly loud. We have had pretty good luck with Eley Club for practice, but that is also really hard to find right now.
I would agree with this statement. I use Wolf and RWS Rifle and test it at 100 meters for NRA silhouette, and wolf has many more fliers than RWS. RWS has remained consistent, and wolf has declined over the last few years. I use wolf for practice, and RWS in matches. Testing is done with multiple rifles.
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