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Electronic Targets at Pool Range, Ft. Benning

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:57 pm
by Rusph
I am taking 2 shooters to Gary Anderson Tournament for the first time this weekend. We are shooting in both the 3P and the USAS Standing air rifle matches. What is the targeting system like? I have asked several people and nobody has been to the Pool Range. I understand smallbore electronics, but what will the shooter see in their sights at Pool?

Single Bull

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:28 pm
by Atlanta Guest
Call me...

Roy McClain
Vice President
Georgia Sport Shooting Association
(678) 772-8185 cell / (770) 412-6604 home

"If your plan is for one year, plant rice.
If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
If your plan is for one hundred years,
educate children." -- Confucius

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:24 pm
by Bill Poole
the black spot looks just like it does on paper, black on manila colored background. so sight picture is close to the same.


you only have ONE BULL!!!! so you don't mess up your position every 5 shots.

its really cool to see your shot in the monitor screen next to you, especially when u shoot a tight 10 and it flashes at you!

light is good, wind not bad.


Watching The Video Game

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:44 am
Because the computer screen is right on the firing point, and because it cannot be covered (by rule), your athletes will be tempted to play a game we call "Watching The Video Game". In 1996, many of the world cup athletes did that!

Upon releasing the shot, they will jerk their head to see the shot come up on the monitor. Suggest to them that doing so will not make the shot better...! Focusing through the entire shot delivery will make it better and the monitor display will be patiently waiting for them after the shot is completed.

If you get a chance, do call Roy McClain; he will give you good information about the ranges.

"Feel Center!"


Re: Watching The Video Game

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:58 am
by Guest
JPOC wrote: ... your athletes will be tempted to play a game we call "Watching The Video Game". In 1996, many of the world cup athletes did that!

Upon releasing the shot, they will jerk their head to see the shot come up on the monitor. Suggest to them that doing so will not make the shot better...!
Beginning shooters have been doing the same thing with spotting scopes since time immemorial! <smile> Amazing how the head movement can beat the round going out of the barrel.
Follow through ... follow through ... follow through ...

Follow thru question

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:39 pm
by DonC
I know follow thru is important and all shooting coaches preach it.
But, Tom Gaylord once wrote an article that says it was all punk.
He took one second and stretched it out into a time line. According to him, the projectile is out the end of the barrel before any body movements could affect the accuracy of the shot. He has physics on his side.
What say you about this point of view?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:43 pm
by Guest
Follow thru builds good habits - with the kids, I've seen them start moving their head away from the stock to look thru the scope as soon as they start moving their trigger finger. At that point, the bullet is still in the chamber, let alone the barrel!