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My November High Noon Scores

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:31 pm
by Dan Hankins
Finally got a break and shot and reported my scores. With the holiday and a bunch of physical things going on, time was hard to find.

Once again I have filled in the lower ranks of the AP-60 Ap-40 and Air Rifle 30 REQ. But that's OK, there is some fine competition and good folks shooting a little lower than the top scores.

I also have recently purchased a Ruger MKII semi auto .22 pistol. Has a 5.5 " bull barrel and I put on a set of Hogue gripw with thumb rest. I live in an area where pistols are geenerally shot with two hands. In fact I have been advised to do so twice at a local range. A nice gentleman Thought I was not hitting the target off hand at 25 yards, and offered that advise. I then showed him that the reason he could not see the hits is that they were in the black. They were all over the black but 9 of 10 were in. He was impressed. Upon scoring the target, I was ot impressed. Seem sto score about the same with that pistol shooting 25 yard slow fire as i do with a 10 m pistol at 10 m. And the Ruger, Im my humble opinion, has a terrible trigger. Go figure.

Also learned that I am not good off the bench with a pistol either air or .22 rim fire. Both with iron sights. Shoot about the same sized groups with both at the standard distance and at 50 feet. That just did not ring true to me, but I have done it several times, so i must accept the fact.

Finally got to shoot at 50 yards off hand with the Ruger. Slow fire at B-6 style target. Got 17 out of twenty in the 8 ring, with the other three high but well inside the 7 ring. That was the first try, and I'll do it again. Because the target is bigger, it is not too hard to see. Kinda looks like the 25 yard and 50 foot target when holding on it.

Thie to shut up now.

Bubba AKA Dan Hankins

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:04 pm
by Dave C.

All NRA Bullseye targets have a black center that apears the same size when viewed at the correct distance for that target. The scoring rings are not the same though.

Dave C.

Thanks Dave

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:29 am
by Dan Hankins
Thanks for the information/conformation, on the size of the Bullseye targets as seen in the sight picture at different distances.

What little i know about most shooting diciplines has been learned here and on the web pages related to that dicipline. I cannot find any orgainized competition in my area or in a 100 mile circle of my home in Southwest Missouri. There is an active club that shoots military style rifles, and once in a while another club shoots silhouette and has a class for rimfire rifles. The only way to be sure that small bore silhouette will be shot on any given day, apparently is to show up and wait until they decide if there are enough participants.

So, any and all advise is appreciated.

Dan Hankins
Just south of Springfield Missouri

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:20 pm
by Hans
If the deal is "if enough people show up", then it is actually somewhat easy to solve. Just get a good listing of names and phone numbers (or e-mails) of people who would want to shoot that style, and organize it so that you have enough people there at one time. Do it enough and it becomes routine, and people start noticing and showing up on their own.

I've been finding out in a lot of different things, both shooting and non-shooting related, that there are more willing participants than you realize. Just that it's a rare individual who steps up and get them all together.
