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Nygord Precision Closing

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:57 pm
by prfct2700
Don Nygord is closing shop. Cancer!!! Don has message on Websight.
Larry Carter of is taking over Pardini's. More info check
Dons Websight.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:50 pm
by funtoz
This is hard to write. Both of my parents and my father-in-law fell to this cancer.

Words are grossly inadequate to express my respect and admiration for Don. He has truly given back as much as anyone to the sport that he loved. Many of us owe much of our skill to his help. I will miss him.

If you know Don, or just want to let him know how much he has meant to you, now is the time to let him know. He will soon be taking so much pain medication that he will have trouble relating, even to those at his side. Now is the time to to say what you want, before the chance is beyond you.

Larry Lohkamp

Don Nygord

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:38 pm
by Neil Foster
I have recently had dealings with Donna and Don, and I must say they have been both great to deal with. Don has been patient and helpful. It is a pity that due to his illness he must shut down his business. I would like to think that he is a new found friend.
Neil Foster

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:26 pm
by Mike McDaniel
There just aren't words. I lost my mother to cancer this year, and there just are no words in the English language that are adequate.

Don Nygord

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:32 pm
by K38
Don has been very kind and patient with me over the years. I went to his shop in Prescott once and he spent hours with me fitting my grips, he would not take a cent. I have lost both my Mother and Father to cancer, and it will probably get me. I hate losing friends.


Don Nygord

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:27 pm
by ScottinPA
I recently bought a Pardini K2s from Don. In the past, I'd call him, or e-mail him to tell him how my recent purchase shot. I took it out yesterday, and shot it for the first time. Very sadly, it doesn't seem all that important, but,

It shot great, Don. Thanks.


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:23 am
Don helped me out a lot when I first got serious about learning this sport. He also liked to kid me.

My favorite memory: The first time I bought a free pistol grip from Don, we had a bit a of a discussion about how small the grip needed to be. Once it finally dawned on him just how small the grip really needed to be for this middle-aged man, he chuckled and teased me, "Ok, so you have teenage girl sized hands - ladies small!" The grip was perfect. Much later, when buying another grip, sure enough, he paused for effect and then said, "Oh, that's right, you have those teenage girl hands!" Again, the grip he sent was exactly the right size.

He was always very nice to me.

I will sleep on the news and then compose a note to him.


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:06 am
by Chris
I purchased my first Air Pistol and only Free pistol from Don. He is a very nice guy to talk to and work with. I learned a lot from him when I was just getting into this sport.

Our thoughts are with him.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:41 pm
by RM
I was a new shooter squadded next to Don in about 1979 at the California State Pistol Championships. Looking back, I could only later realize how patient Don was while answering my questions, offering tips, and trying to shoot the match at the same time. I started a new career and took a fifteen year break from shooting. When I started back, I called Don and ordered a FWB air rifle from him, he was just as patient and helpful as he was 25 years earlier. I had been looking forward to buying most everything from Don in the future. I will miss his kindness and his wisdom. God bless him and Donna in the times ahead.



Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:42 am
by efm2
Even if we only exchanged a few e-mails it is quite a shock to know that Don is in this state of health. Our last e-mail exchange was about 3 months ago when I asked him to comment on the new FWB P34. A purchase that I did not regret. Now this gun will serve as a reminder of a great guy that I once have the honour and the privelege of meeting... even if it's not in person. Our prayers will always be with you and your family.