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Subsonic Match ammo?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:09 pm
by Robert Burdge
I often "plink" in my backyard with my son shooting CCI CB Caps (Shorts) in my old lever-action .22. These rounds are about as loud as a magnum air rifle, no CRACK! like you get with super-sonic High Velocity .22 LR rounds. This is nice since my dogs don't cower under the porch and my neighbors horses don't get jumpy.

I am thinking about getting a smallbore rifle so I can do some practice target shooting at home. Is there a sub-sonic .22 LR that is match quality for smallbore practice? There are .22 Shorts for pistol shooting but would this give good accuracy in a rifle with the longer bullet jump to engage the rifling? Thanks.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:52 pm
by Guest
Most match ammo is subsonic. The low end SK and Wolf is very good stuff for the price and pretty quiet. I have tried cb caps (cci long ones) in my match rifle in the basement but they are horribly inaccurate even at 10m.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:53 am
by Robert Burdge
Thanks for the reply. I wan't sure if that was the case by reading the specs on some of the loads. A lot of them were listed between 1050 and 1080 fps. This is cutting it pretty close (Mach 1 is 1087 fps @ 32 F and 1130 fps @ 70 F).