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Yifu Wang, not in FP?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:46 pm
by kiko
Do you know Why Yifu Wang was not in Free Pistol. Was that a coach decision?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:17 pm
by RobStubbs
I assumed it was because there were two other Chinese shooters in the event.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:54 pm
by kiko
I mean, Did the coach decided to put someone else in order to give those shooters a medal opportunity? Is Yifu not so good on FP, or was he just burn out or tired?.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can email our questions to the Chinesse Coach directly? Same as we can to our Pistol USA coach. The super nice Mr. Erich. (he was answering my emails in the same day) (amazing eh. or maybe he was not that busy with our unfortunate pistol shooters.).

I'm still not familiar with the shooters (or athletes) event registration process. Seems like there is an official start list, but athletes can decide to jump in or out of that list at any time.

Never participated in any Olympics before, hence my ignorance.
regards, kiko.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:58 pm
by David Levene
The 2 Chinese shooters were World Ranked 3rd and 5th respectively.

Wang was ranked 29th.

Sounds like a simple decision to me.

Yifu Wong not in FP

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:10 pm
by Eddie Tsoi
As a matter of fact, a lot of people doubt that if Wong could join the team at all in the first place.

In his 2 best categories, FP & AP, Wong is not quite up to his past standard and the other two shooteers, Tan and Xu, both have a rather stable performance this year.

I actually feel that the Chinese coachs have made a very good decision because as a veteran in the Olympics, Wong can stand the psychological barriers much stronger than the other two, both having a debut.

AP is held earlier than the FP and if Wong or Tan can win the Gold, than
the whole team can have boost and the other shooters may perform better. You cannot image how much preasures are on the shooters as the whole China are expectingthem to have 3 - 5 gold medals in the shooting events. They have s superstition that if they cannot get the first gold of the Games, they will have a pocketful of medals that year.

Eventhough Wong may wish to have his next appearance in the Olympics in 2008, the coachs must be thinking something different and want some new comers in the sport.


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:45 am
by kiko
Wooou. Great response Eddie. that's exactly what I though, but you couldn't say it better, especially for someone in China, or close to it.

Isn't this Forum great? people all over the world get involved and put their share of knowledge. I was greatly surprised to recieve a response from a Honkongnesse shooter.

Unfortunately, I feel like we here in the USA are kinda lagging behind. Maybe our country is too big and places to shoot (ISSF) are far and in between. For me I need to drive 4 hours in order to get into a match.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:50 am
by Bill Poole
in OUR country....

if you want to shoot, you go buy a 10/22 or an SKS and a case of ammo and head out to the desert! or you go elk hunting, or shoot a SIG .40 in the local indoor range....

in other countries....

the ONLY shooting available is formal competition events.... often only ISSF....

I bet some of our potentially best shooters have never BEEN to a match of any kind... ALSO... there is a political hatred that keeps our sport away from kids.... some of our potentially best shooters have never touched a gun!

where're u at Kiko?

there's a match saturday in Phoenix!


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:18 am
by kiko
You are absolutely right Bill.

I live at 4 hours drive from Seattle in South East Washington State. I heard they (Seattle) have a very active ISSF club. I might start shooting again and attend their weekend matches, but going to their midweek evening league is imposible. Although I was thinking on getting a Toyota Echo and maybe I can leave work 2 o clock afternoon shoot and get back home (after hanging with fellow shooters) at about 2 am, go back to sleep and go to work the next day.

I spent my childhood in Hawaii and believe or not the Honolulu Mackinley High School still has the rifle range and the shooting program. Talk about political correctness. Shame on the rest of the mainland high schools, nevertheless Hawaii was and never is a paradise for shooting.

I also spend my first years of college in South America were the only shooting available is ISSF or UIT as I first knew it. Did a lot of air and free pistol some rifle also, but gave up rifle due to too much equipment to transport. Back in the States (mainland now), discovered the fascinating world of American Style (mainland) of shooting bricks of 22s in the woods, Full Bore rifle at 1000 yards, ATA trap and the millions of reloaded shells people shoot, Practical Pistol, etc, etc.

But, my true love is and always was air and free pistol. I might buy a new pistol and get back to saddle again.

Good shooting, Kiko.