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Austin PTO - July 17,18

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:19 pm
by mcole95
Saw it wasn't yet posted on the USA Shooting website so I'll post it here.

There's a PTO in Austin next weekend at the University of Texas ROTC range.

Directions available here:

Air Pistol
Free Pistol
Standard Pistol
Sport Pistol
Rapid Fire Pistol

No squadding. Air Pistol starts around 8:30am each day and we go from there.

$16.00 allows you to shoot every event, both days if you want.

I believe Phil also supports Air Rifle and 3-Position smallbore if anyone wants to shoot that.

--Matt Cole


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:10 am
by Lonnie

Has Phil scheduled for parking areas or permits? Those tickets can be expensive.

Also the last time I shot (March) I had to walk four blocks (finding a parking spot) and was stopped twice by campus cops. Each time I was searched. Each time they freaked until I showed them the printed PTO match posting off of the USA Shooting site and then they left me alone.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:26 pm
by mcole95
I also got a ticket at the March match but Phil said to give it to him and he'd take care of it. As best as I know he got it taken care of. In that case, he had approved parking permits, they just hadn't arrived by match day. I think typically Phil does get the permits in time, that month being one of the exceptions.

I usually arrive by 8:15am and drive straight to the range and unload my stuff, then go hunting for a parking space, so I don't have to carry my eqiupment across campus (or provide any explanations...).

Being that it's summertime I don't think parking will be as big an issue as it was in March.

Hope this helps and hope to see you there.
