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free pistol 5 shoots?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:29 pm
by Nano
For all the forum:

I know the free pistols have only one shoot, but I want to buy a pistol to use in silhouettes and free pistol, in my country, we have only one minute to shoot 5 times in silhouette, use a free pistol is impossible, because the loading time is more than one minute.
exist some gun that allows to shoot 5 shots with the precision of a free pistol ?
I have investigated an anschutz exemplar but the weight is very high to shoot free pistol.

some suggestion?

Thank You,


Re: free pistol 5 shoots?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:45 am
by Ferret
Nano wrote: exist some gun that allows to shoot 5 shots with the precision of a free pistol ?
A revolver like Freedom Arms may have close to the technical precision, but the design is such I don't think you'll get the same practical precision.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:29 pm
by F. Paul

I would suggest you look at U.S. made Ruger MKII which are made in various barrel lengths and are very popular with U.S. bullseye shooters who require excellent accuracy at 50 yards. Rugers are very well built and have a great reputation. Spare parts are also abundant and reasonably priced.

If you buy one straight from the factory , you will find the trigger to be disappointing. My suggestion is to see if you can purchase one which has been customized from:

Clark does some very fine customizing work including trigger work which transforms this pistol into a very fine target gun.

The Ruger is probably more suitable for silhouette shooting rather than free pistol. It certainly will not take the place of a good free pistol but it might be one of the best choices out there for your dual purpose needs.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:29 pm
by Guest
you may be on track with using a walther gsp. with a longer barrel, you can get the longer sight radius for free pistol and the increase in power for sillouete. i know my shorter barrel auto loaders would have some problem on the heavier targets. if you install the lighter osp trigger unit, you will have a good comprimise , though it isn't nearly as nice as as a toz or morini trigger. price wise, it may be cheaper to get a good used free pistol and a separate silouette pistol, though the walther project sounds fun to experiment with. good luck either way.

Re: free pistol 5 shoots?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:44 pm
by Claudio
Nano wrote:For all the forum:

exist some gun that allows to shoot 5 shots with the precision of a free pistol ?
some suggestion?

Thank You,
I have tried shooting silhouette with my Walther GSP standard pistol and it was fun and accurate. I have also shot free pistol with my Walther with a rapid-fire trigger. The one thing I would have done differently is to purchase a longer barrel with more twists and longer sight radius. The Walther with longer barrel should still by lighter than silhouette pistols.

By the time you buy a longer barrel and rapid-fire trigger, you could have bought yourself a used Free Pistol like the Vostok Toz-35 or the Vostok IZH-1. It all depends on the price and availability and it differs in each country. The gun regulations also dictate what you can or can not own.

With the Walther and some extra accessories, you could have one gun that you can shoot in many different disciplines, even Rapid Fire when the stupid rules change in 2005.