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Eye Blinders

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:00 am
by AlexSilva

I'm a AP shhoter and I use Champion glasses. Now, and because of the change in the ISSF rules, I cannot use my old eye blinder.

Do you know if Champion is providing the new eye blonders?

Kindest regards,


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:19 am
by Bill Poole
I have heard chatter about taking out scissors and cutting the blinder to meet the new rules

I made blinders for the Knobocks using translucent plastic from a milk jug or black plastic from old computer disks,,,, glued to a nail.


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:23 am
by AlexSilva

Occluders & Blinders

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:56 pm
by deleted1
Yes, the 01.01.04 rule changes have been adopted and even the NYS Empire Games are enforcing the new rules. As for the Champion Occluder---make a mark on the post and measure 15mm. on either side---use a square and draw lines---take a pair of Fiskars scissors and cut them. As for the blinders---it's not really worth while cutting them as they don't do a thing with only 40mm from the top. Get used to it it's the newest of the crazies from ISSF. I can't wait until the Pant's issue springs up again after the Olympiad, that ought to be a load of laughs.