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Flying with an air pistol
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:18 am
by Alex L
I have a Steyr LP 10 Compressed air pisatol. When flying, should I empty the cylinders completely, or leave some air in them?
If the latter, how much air do you leave?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Flying with an Air Pistol
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:52 am
First- declare to the ticket agent that you have a firearm to declare. I know it's not a firearm, but this is not a distinction worth trying to explain to the TSA. They don't care. To them, it's a firearm, and if you declare it all is well.
Second- Compressed gas cylinders MUST be empty to have them on the plane. No if's, and's, or but's about it. EMPTY.
Air cylinders
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:39 am
by troop
Alex, Yes the air cylinders must be empty AND you should be prepaired to prove it. If the air cylinders dont have a meter on the end make sure you bring the meter that was shiped w/ your LP10.
air cylinders
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:17 am
by Bill Poole
When one flys from a high altitude with a cylinder emptied to local atmoshperic pressure,
and goes TO a sea-level HIGH HUMIDITY location
is there a problem with the higher pressure outside air at the arrival site injecting into the cylinder (and bringing its humidity with it)??? (it might be days between arrival and the ability to refill the cylinders
Some AP/AR shooter from OTC who travels to Ft Benning should be able to address this
I would presume that the pressure valve will not open when outside is a fraction of an atmoshpere above inside but rahter many many PSI are needed