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Any Ideas?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 2:45 pm
by AlaskaKate
Im on a rifle team that has been invited to several prestigious rifle shooting events this summer. Unfortunately at the rate we are going, we will only be able to fund one trip. Does anyone have any ideas on how to raise money? (so far we have asked for sponsorship from local businesses, run boothes at local gun and sportsman shows, received a NRA grant, and are currently planning an auction to take place at a local American Legion Outpost.) If anyone has any fund raising ideas that are not already listed please reply!

Re: Any Ideas?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 4:10 pm
by Jay V
AlaskaKate wrote:Im on a rifle team that has been invited to several prestigious rifle shooting events this summer. Unfortunately at the rate we are going, we will only be able to fund one trip. Does anyone have any ideas on how to raise money? (so far we have asked for sponsorship from local businesses, run boothes at local gun and sportsman shows, received a NRA grant, and are currently planning an auction to take place at a local American Legion Outpost.) If anyone has any fund raising ideas that are not already listed please reply!
Sounds like you pretty much have it covered!

We are in the process of doing the same thing to raise money for our trip to the Junior Olympic 3P Championship in July. I am planning to post the final tallies when we finish, just to give people an idea of how much you can expect from certain types of events.

What looks to be one of the best for us so far is a raffle. We are raffling a .22 sport (not target) rifle and a couple other smaller 2nd and 3rd prizes. Our cost on the items is about $250. Tickets are $5 ea or 3 for $10. Sales are quick and easy, with no advertised limit on total number sold. We have been selling for about a week, with about 8 weeks more to go, and have cleared a couple hundred dollars. We have a bake sale and rummage sale scheduled also. We are asking the parents of our juniors to donate items. We may throw in a car wash later.

Takes a bit of time and energy to get everything going though...

Jay V

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 6:43 pm
by funtoz
A friend's high school daughters financed a trip to Europe one year and a trip to Mexico the next by running car washes about every 2 weeks during our minuscule dry season. It should be about time to get the winter muck off of every bodies vehicles up there, I should think... hand washing and waxing are good upper body workout too.


Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 8:45 pm
by TWP
Besides the NRA, and Friends of the NRA, have you approached your state rifle/pistol organization?

How about local VFW, American Legion, Izaak Walton League, 4H, Optomists and JROTC? They all sponsor junior shooting programs and may be a source of funding.

Gun raffles are usually a good source of income (lots of volunteer fire departments use them around here), but check local laws on raffles some places consider it gambling.

Does the Alaska State Government have any sporting subsidy programs?

Any Chance of a local newspapaer article about the teams trips and the fund raising activities?


Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:24 am
by Randy
Our raffles average about a $1000 clear on each raffle. Two of the rifles an air rifle and 10-22 were donated to us and the shotgun and other air rifle were given to us at dealers cost. We liked raffling off the air guns because the dealers cost on those were only around $130. The shotgun and 10-22 sold more tickets, but we had to sell more tickets to cover the cost of the shotgun. However, we did clear alittle more then our average. The 10-22 was customized, which made it more attractive to ticket buyers then an average 10-22 Ruger. The Gamo air rifles are attractive air rifles to raffle, because some of the models come with a scope, relatively inexpensive and they are attractive to many people in this area for getting rid of small pests.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:39 am
by Guest
When our group asks for sponcership we always have something to give them in return, like washing their windows.

Our junior group also did a fun fundraiser called Got your goat. We had a goat and a starting place. That business could pay $10 to send the goat to another business with the chance of it coming back or $50 to send it on without it coming back to them. We had a blast and raised over $2000 in 5 hours!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:47 pm
by Jay V
Anonymous wrote:(snip) Our junior group also did a fun fundraiser called Got your goat. We had a goat and a starting place. That business could pay $10 to send the goat to another business with the chance of it coming back or $50 to send it on without it coming back to them. We had a blast and raised over $2000 in 5 hours!!!

Now THAT is creative! Can't argue with $2000 in 5 hours.

Jay V

P.S. More fundraising talk and ideas are in the Junior Progam section also.