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Nygord Turbo Comp

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 3:12 pm
by mark a
Currently getting started out with AP and am using a Walther CP2. Anyone have advice on whether the addition of a Nygord Turbo Comp should improve my scores? Pro's and Con's with this item? Are different front sight blades available?

Nygord Turbo Comp

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 3:40 pm
by Bill177
I have the Turbo Comp on my Pardini K60. The difference between with and without is like night and day. Putting it on my gun removed the recoil and barrel flip. You may get more or less improvement on a different gun

Did it directly improve my scores? Yes, by a few points. But, don't expect sudden 590s any more than buying a new "latest and greatest" air pistol will have you suddenly shooting in the 590s.

My personal feeling, is the addition of the Turbo Comp to my K60 turned it into a very near K2 - so near that I'll never notice the difference, except in my wallet.

I believe the Turbo Comp is a very good add-on and I strongly recommend it.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 4:20 pm
by Rob
I think only one sight width is available. It was an improvment to my early Steyr LP-1. The pistol just sits there after the shot is fired. The early Styer LP-1 co2 with the long steel cylinder and turbo-comp makes the pistol less nose heavy as with the original barrel shroud. As far as accuracy goes, my test target from Steyr was one hole,"not very ragged". I never tested the pistol for accuracy with the turbo-comp, but I set up the velocity as per Don's instructions with the comp....Rob

Turbo comp

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:36 pm
by Tom

I have one on a K-60 as well. When I went to the CO-2 from an Izh there was a greater amount of flip and the TC fixed that. The instructions were easy to follow and it was up and running in 10 minutes.

Couple things

1. I did notice that even the shorter front sight was higher than the standard one. I ended up taking off .035 off the bottom and it was just about right. Don supplies a long and a short sight, both the same width.

2. Because it is a round pin with one flat ground, sometimes I pick up a reflection off the top if I don't use enough smoke.

3. The same can be said about the comp body. I have noticed some glare at times. Smoke cures that but carefull because that nice silver lettering turns black as it fills up with soot.

All in all, I am happy with it. However, being the type that can't leave well enough alone, I'm going to ask my machinest friend to make a front sight for me that is cut in a triangle on top so that by turning it slightly, I can make it narrower for lower light ranges.

OK, hope it helps.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 7:49 pm
by Guest
I did not think there would be much difference vs the Walther 4 port comp on the CPM1. But when I was given a TC by a friend, really makes a difference. The pistol "seems" to have less muzzle movement now. I know that half or more of any perceived change is in the head, but even accounting for that it seems to work.

And the difference might not be in your score, but how much easier it is to shoot, so you are not working so hard for your scores. Because when you have to work HARD for your scores, you are apt to be less consistent from session to session. Bill177 said, don't expect the TC to be a "silver bullet." It won't make your scores jump.

You said you are just starting out, so you still have to learn all the basics, and then get them under control...not an easy thing to do. For me, I'm still learning to get my trigger finger under control, and that will get me (and you) more points than the TurboComp.

Separate from the TurboComp, take a GOOD look at your grip. I found the stock grip did not fit my hand, and I was fighting the grip for each shot. After getting the grip fitted to me, it feels much better and is easier to shoot. Like the TurboComp, fitting the grip to my hand did not boost my PB, but it made it easier to shoot.

These things; TurboCom, fitted grips, etc. won't get you better scores. They will make it easier for you to shoot, then it's up to you to get the better scores. My personal best score was shot w/o the TurboComp, using the stock Walther comp and a grip that did not fit my hand very well. I'm still trying to just match that score.

I found that as long as you have good equipment, more so than the equipment, PRACTICE will get you better scores. I just look at my shooting records, and the BIG rise in my scores was when I shot my pistol a lot and learning the basics. From 300/400 to 350/400. No special equipment, just me learning to shoot.

gud luk