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Steyr 22

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:44 pm
by dam8
Does Steyr have a target 22 like the Walther GSP? or Pardini SP?

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:35 pm
by Rob
Not that I ever heard of. Just a free pistol....Rob

Steyr .22

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:06 am
by Fjodor
No, regretably no. Steyr does not at the moment offer a .22 match target automatic pistol. They are manufacturing an ingenious, but oddly looking and oddly functioning free pistol. A gun og high quality, but seldom seen at the competitions.
If the demand grew, if we put "pressure" on them, maybe in the future Steyr would?

A new high quality match .22 automatic for the ISSF diciplines would be a delight. Wit no plastics, proper trigger reach adjustment (the trigger reach af Steyr pistols are on the long side), proper balance, grip frames that allow grips of many sizes du be used, fully adjustable sights, trigger group adjustment screws with locking crews, high quality magazines (and cartridge followers!) and so on. Few (if any) present models fill all these criteria.

Yes, there are several models to choose from at the moment. But functioning reliability leaves something to be desired with quite a few models. By this I mean that a pistol ought to relied upon to fire 65 or 70 shots in competitions with no malfunction at all, if properly maintained. Repeatedly.

No, I will not mention which models are the most to blame. Those shooters who participate in competition probably knows.