Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

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Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Katy »

Im considering trading my FWB p70 alu for an ANS 2002ca alu. can anyone tell me how they like the Anschutz in comparasin? Does the adjustability compare? Is the trigger on the Anschutz as good as their trigger on the smallbores? How is the overall accuracy of the Anschutz compared to the FWB? Any input will help.

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Mandy »

I myself own a Anschutz 2002ca alu. Wonderful rifle. Everything performs excellently, so far it has adjusted to all of my needs. I have owned this rifle for two and a half to three years and the only things we have had to replace were the o-ring seal from where the air cylinder screws in, and the Anschutz sticker wore off due to my finger resting there inbetween shots (I wrote Anschutz telling them of the problem and they air-mailed me a replacement sticker free of charge!)
I have not noticed any recoil personally and am shooting wonderfully well with the rifle (97%).
I have never shot a FWB before so I cannot compare the two.
Best of luck,
(Quite a while ago someone else was having the same problem deciding as you are now. Pilkguns put it in the archives and I have put up the link for you.)
Mark Dennehy

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Mark Dennehy »

I shoot with a 2002CAalu as well, and have never been dissatisfied with it, with one exception - I have rather large hands, and the pistol grip, while just long enough, could do with another five millimeters in length, and a bit more bulk. I've built mine up with a folded piece of card and tape under where the centre of my palm goes and it worked fine, and I'm going to use some plastic wood to make it permanent in the near future.
That may not be a problem for you though.
Anschutz's after-sales service also has an excellent reputation in Europe.
I have noticed a small recoil in the 2002CA, but it's not a problem (in fact, it's handy as a diagnostic). I'm apparently not the only one.
Now, all that out of the way, there's the obvious piece of advice - try using a P70 first. Shoot a competition with it if you can. I've shot with one and had no problems with it either - and realistically either rifle will out shoot all but about two or three people in the world today.

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Katy »

Im shooting the p70 now and have been shooting p70 for the past 4 years (first with wood stock then with aluminum)
but lately I have been very attracted to the ans 2002ca and have been very happy with my new ans 2012. That is why ive been contemplating the switch...thanks for the input


Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by pdeal »

The 2002 trigger is the same trigger as is on the 2012 smallbore rifle.

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Øyvind »

Hi Katy, why go to a system not as good as the one You have? Next would be to go for a P-700 or an Ans 9003. I only know the P-700 and it is better than the P-70 I used to shoot.The Ans guys claim their new one is top of the line, and that might be so. The 2002 certainly isn't.

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Katy »

I've never even heard of the ans 9003 and have only seen pictures of the p-700 are they on the market yet? I am certainly interested in the p700, can you give me more information on that?

Mark Dennehy

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Mark Dennehy »

One of our shooters here is using the new FWB. While it's a nice-looking bit of kit, I wouldn't spend my money on it. It costs twice what I paid for my 2002, the only real differences are in the range of motion of the buttplate (my 2002 moves sufficently for me) and the built-in raiser blocks, which I don't trust - don't do the allen bolts up tight enough and they look like they could slip. I'll stick to my seperate raiser blocks. Plus, it doesn't look like it's much use for a club, there are too many adjustments for a beginner to get right, and too many for a tyro to fiddle with :)
Besides, to be brutally honest, 600 isn't a score you see too often on ranges, but the P70s and 2002s have shot them in the past - so even the no-longer-top-of-the-line 2002 or P70 is still able to outshoot even the top shooters in the world for the most part. I think we've hit the point where incremental improvements have become the order of the day....

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Katy »

I guess what im going to do is try the 2002ca (someone on my team has one) a few more times and decided if I like it as much as my fwb. I think at this point if I didnt have my rifle and had to choose between the 2002ca and the p70 Id get the 2002ca because it is more cost effective and a very very close comparison in quality. I guess it will come down to which feels better in my shoulder.
Thanks for everybody's help,

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Gary »

I agree that fit and feel is VERY important.
The hard part about trying another persons gun (rifle or pistol) is that it is adjusted for that person. I tried a 2002CA-AL and it just did not fit me. No surprise, the shooter was almost 12" taller than me, and all the stock adjustments were to fit him. I think the only way to try it properly is to have your coach readjust the rifle to fit YOU. But then it has to be readjusted afterwards to fit the owner.

BUT you yourself have to feel that indeed whichever rifle you choose to shoot is the best rifle FOR YOU. If you think that the other rifle is better, that thought will forever be nagging in your head, possibly affecting your scores.
Gud Luk


Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Matvei »

Why don't you consider Hämmerli AR50 AluPro (full weight or junior), if you like a down smooth fast shooting development, you should at least try it, and not only follow those match lines full of 2002's and FWBs. Here AR50's are gathering national championships frequently.
: Im considering trading my FWB p70 alu for an ANS 2002ca alu. can anyone tell me how they like the Anschutz in comparasin? Does the adjustability compare? Is the trigger on the Anschutz as good as their trigger on the smallbores? How is the overall accuracy of the Anschutz compared to the FWB? Any input will help.
: Thanks,
: Katy

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Øyvind »

I would not recommend AR50 for one reason only. If You are going round to the international sites You don't find any service from Hämmerli. If anything goes wrong with Your rifle You just can't get any help. Been there done that. I have two Hämmerlis (450 and AR-50)and shoot them regularly too. I also now have a FWB P-700 and it shoots just as straight, plus,if anything goes wrong the factory guys are around and can help.Same can be said for Anschütz and Walther, but not Hämmerli.
If You want the best results, buy the best and keep at training with it. It helps .

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by W.A »

Well, I personally own an Anschutz 2002 Alu. I've shot it for about 2 years. I had the opportunity to borrow a P700 (the new one) for a week. In my case I find thath the Anschutz gives a recoil that is anoying. I have been speaking to several people about the recoil. There is for a fact a greater recoil on the Anschutz than on the P700. I can for sure feel it that's why the new Anschutz 9003 has a recoil absorber now. The P700 is much lighter and it feels much better to shoot. You don't need to buy any raiser blocks becasue it's adjustable on the P700. The trigger is of course different from the Anschutz but there is a spring that could be adjusted to a 'harder' mode., but it was something I had to ask for. I like it myself when the trigger is a little bit harder.

I decided to change mainly because of the recoil I feel. It feels also much better when holding the rifle. It feels like part of your body. It is also much ligher and it looks like a better quality rifle. Yes, it's more pricy but I think it was worth it. Anschutz is good in the way of when I went to the World Cup the maintnance is pretty much free. I even got a free cylinder because mine was leaking air. Most of the time an air rifle do not need much service.
I hope this helps.
Stefan Börner

Re: Anschutz 2002ca alu vs FWB P70 alu

Post by Stefan Börner »

>I've never even heard of the ans 9003
Take a look here ... topicID=80
(site is in german, i hope it doesn't matter)
>and have only seen pictures of the p-700 are they >on the market yet? I am certainly interested in >the p700, can you give me more information on >that?
It is on the market here in germany. The only info i can give you about it, ist the german FWB homepage
(in the english version, the fwb700 isn't included yet)

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