Indiana Air Pistol/Air Rifle/Free Pistol Matches

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Lee Fisher

Indiana Air Pistol/Air Rifle/Free Pistol Matches

Post by Lee Fisher »

The monthly matches in Columbus, IN, start up again this coming weekend. The match program is copied below. For more information, visit the club's website:, or contact Lee Fisher.

Hoosier Hills Rifle & Pistol Club
International AP, FP & Air Rifle Matches
Match Dates: (3rd Saturday of the month)
November 15, 2003
December 20, 2003
January 17, 2004
February 21, 2004
March 20, 2004
Time: 10:00 am EST first relay
Place: HHRPC Indoor Range, Columbus, IN
Rules: NRA International Pistol Rules will apply
Safety: All competitors must wear safety glasses
Classifications: Shooters will be classified according to NRA International rules. If 2 or less shooters in a class, they will be combined with the next higher class.

Entries: Advance entries are requested. Infiltration squadding will be used after the first relay (10 firing points) commences. Generally, matches will not be started after 3:00 pm without prior arrangement.
Send entries to:
Lee Fisher
880 Driftwood Ave.
Columbus, IN 47203
812-372-7720 (home)
Air Pistol: 1 hour 45 minutes for 60 shots plus sighters on B-40/4 target, 5 shots per bull, 20 shots per target. Junior shooters, 1 hour 15 minutes for 40 shots plus sighters.
Air Rifle: same time limits as AP, on AR-5/5 target, 2 shots/bull, 10 shots per target.
Free Pistol: 2 hours for 60 shots plus sighters on B-11 target, 10 shots per target.
Spotting scopes will be allowed in all matches.
Match fees: $10.00 for first entry, $5.00 for each additional match. Juniors $5.00 per match.

Awards: Ribbons will be presented to the top three finishers in each/combined class
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