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Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:45 am
by Thingstodotoday
Hi all
When aiming, do you move up above the desired target/aiming point and then move down onto it, or just move the pistol up to where you want to aim?
Just wondering if there is any benefit one over the other?
Re: Aiming
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:08 pm
by Gwhite
Supposedly, sports science research has shown that you are more stable (briefly) if you relax down into your hold than muscling your way up to it.
I only come up high enough that I can't see the black, and get my sight alignment before coming down into my (sub-six) hold.
Re: Aiming
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:46 pm
by David M
Agree, but also add breathing into the lift/aim.
Inhale as you lift to a blank area just above the target.
Aquire sight alignment ant sit on second stage of trigger.
Small half breath while doing this in the overhead area and on a slow exhale lower into the aiming area,
pause breath and squeeze off the shot, complete the exhale and lower the pistol.
If you over hold a small half breath can help otherwise abort the shot and srtart again.
The entire thing from lift off bench the back on the bench should be 10-12 sec with about 7 sec in aiming area only.
Re: Aiming
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 4:03 pm
by rokada
Thingstodotoday wrote: ↑Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:45 am
When aiming, do you move up above the desired target/aiming point and then move down onto it, or just move the pistol up to where you want to aim?
I am one of the rare ones that move just up, not up-over-the-target-than-down. Works for me pretty well.
Supposedly the latter should be better. I tried to switch to that method for like three or four months and after that much time I still used to score less than earlier using my old method, so I switched back. I guess subconsciously I might have not been trying hard enough, plus I'm just a strange guy because I shoot with my both eyes open :)
Why I am using this method? Well, frankly speaking, it's hard to say. The most likely reason is I learned to shoot this way in the army (losing sight of the target is a no-no in military or LE) and it just stayed with me.
I tend to believe that's it's like the placement/alignment of your feet. While in theory "heel-heel-hip-shoulder-elbow-wrist-sights-target straight line/plane" is the best, in reality the best is what works best for each individual. It's becomes clear the moment you look at shooters scoring decently in any serious shooting event.
Re: Aiming
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 5:04 pm
by Gwhite
The added stability you are supposed to get from coming down lasts only a few seconds. If you hold longer than that, you won't see any improvement.