Smoking in or around competitors in competion

old, good

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chris k

Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by chris k »

In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
Thanks CHris K ( CT )
Don Matzeder

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Don Matzeder »

I thought we had to pay for all those fancy ventilation systems to protect our lungs. You have a personal problem with smoking and bringing it into this arena is devisive. My personal opinion is if it is that important to you, you need to stay in your hermetically sealed house.

: In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: Thanks CHris K ( CT )
Bruce Braxton

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Bruce Braxton »

I smoke like a 76 Chevy Vega going uphill, but I have to agree with Chris. I would have thought that common courtesy would win out in this scenario, but apparently I was mis-took.
But, I think I have now come up with another excuse to add to my repertiore: I was having smoking-withdrawal D.T.s during the 50m Pistol match.
Like common sense, I now find that common courtesy ain't all that common.
Chris L in Adelaide

Prdon me?

Post by Chris L in Adelaide »

Personally, I don't have a *personal* problem with smoking, it's just that I would prefer to live longer.
Your comments are extremely divisive, offensive and (it appears to me) deliberately provocative.
I have enough to occupy my mind during a match as well as having to avoid carcinogens blowing my way, let alone the coughing fits that smoke causes me.
My (deeply felt) A$0.02 worth - Chris
: I thought we had to pay for all those fancy ventilation systems to protect our lungs. You have a personal problem with smoking and bringing it into this arena is devisive. My personal opinion is if it is that important to you, you need to stay in your hermetically sealed house.
: Don
: : In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: : Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: : Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: : Thanks CHris K ( CT )

Chris L in Adelaide

Pardon me?

Post by Chris L in Adelaide »

Personally, I don't have a *personal* problem with smoking, it's just that I would prefer to live longer.
Your comments are extremely divisive, offensive and (it appears to me) deliberately provocative.
I have enough to occupy my mind during a match as well as having to avoid carcinogens blowing my way, let alone the coughing fits that smoke causes me.
My (deeply felt) A$0.02 worth - Chris
: I thought we had to pay for all those fancy ventilation systems to protect our lungs. You have a personal problem with smoking and bringing it into this arena is devisive. My personal opinion is if it is that important to you, you need to stay in your hermetically sealed house.
: Don
: : In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: : Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: : Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: : Thanks CHris K ( CT )

Chris L in Adelaide

Pardon me?

Post by Chris L in Adelaide »

Personally, I don't have a *personal* problem with smoking, it's just that I would prefer to live longer.
Your comments are extremely divisive, offensive and (it appears to me) deliberately provocative.
I have enough to occupy my mind during a match as well as having to avoid carcinogens blowing my way, let alone the coughing fits that smoke causes me.
My (deeply felt) A$0.02 worth - Chris
: I thought we had to pay for all those fancy ventilation systems to protect our lungs. You have a personal problem with smoking and bringing it into this arena is devisive. My personal opinion is if it is that important to you, you need to stay in your hermetically sealed house.
: Don
: : In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: : Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: : Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: : Thanks CHris K ( CT )

Craig E

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Craig E »

On or near the line, in the indoor facility....absolutely. I smoke. I go outside and/or far away from any competitor when I break during a match. To do otherwise is both rude and crude. However, I will continue to practice my choice so long it isn't at the expense of others. Common courtesy. There are other habits of competitors nearly as annoying and similarly, shooters should simply think a tad about the others around them. Shouldn't have be put up in print now should it? IMHO

: In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: Thanks CHris K ( CT )
Richard Ashmore

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Richard Ashmore »

Rule 10.2 (b) already covers this. Ask the Range Officer to enforce it.
Sarah Blakeslee

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Sarah Blakeslee »

I agree, being around cigarette smoke while shooting decreases chances of optimum performance; especially among shooters, like myself, who have asthma or other related problems. This can be especially destructive because of the amount of time it takes to recover from an attack considering that my inhaler medication is on the banned substance list and I abstain from using it during competition. However, I do not have any issues with people going far enough away from the firing line to do this. Just please remember smoke comes in through open doors. Thanks :)
Spencer C

And perfumes / aftershaves

Post by Spencer C »

Some of the perfumes and aftershaves are even more 'affecting' than cigarette smoke.
How some users can think they are making themselves attractive by leaving a trail of gasping asthmatics behind them is beyond belief.
(plus the post a while back about offensive body odour)

Mark S

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Mark S »

I am a smoker and agree there should be no smoking in proximity to shooters on the range in competition, but we should't get paranoid over it, as we could ban shooting altogether with concerns over lead vapours, burnt powder vapours etc.

NRA Rule 10.2(b)

Post by Cecil »

Why write the NRA when the rule is already there?

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by JMJ »

I have used my inhaler during matches due to smokers....are you saying that's illegal? Where is this rule that states the banned substance list?
Chris L in NC

Switch to inhalers that aren't banned

Post by Chris L in NC »

I have asthma too, and with 6 cats I take regular meds to stay breathing. The US Anti-Doping Agency has a guide and wallet card that can point you in the right direction. Just make sure you get your doc to sign the form and send it to USADA before participating in a major competition. Which I forgot to do, thanks for reminding me.

Re: Switch to inhalers that aren't banned

Post by akihmsa »

Asthma and 6 Cats? Anything wrong with this picture???: I have asthma too, and with 6 cats I take regular meds to stay breathing. The US Anti-Doping Agency has a guide and wallet card that can point you in the right direction. Just make sure you get your doc to sign the form and send it to USADA before participating in a major competition. Which I forgot to do, thanks for reminding me.


Sarah is talking about shooting at World Cups/Olympics nt

Post by Mako »

: I have used my inhaler during matches due to smokers....are you saying that's illegal? Where is this rule that states the banned substance list?
Mr. Jeff Groseth

Re: And perfumes / aftershaves

Post by Mr. Jeff Groseth »

Yes More then a few of us have asthma or allergies. You leave us stuffy with icthy watery eyes and a headache.
Please be thoughtful
Fortitudo Dei


Post by Fortitudo Dei »

For rifle...
ISSF Rule "Smoking on the range and in the spectator area is prohibited"
For pistol...
ISSf Rule "Smoking on the range and in the spectator area is prohibited"
I suspect the same rule applies to ISSF shotgun events too.


Re: And perfumes / aftershaves

Post by Larry »

And I suppose you harass the neighbor down the block to kill their flower garden and demand the parks pave over the vegetation so you won't have an ATTACK. Face it, you're the one with the defective immune system so you should be the one to make the adjustments. And yes, I do have allergic reactions... had some real heavy duty asthma attacks as a kid, until puberty (thank the lord for hormones). I still have reactions to some pollen, some foods, and some animals. Like Chris, I take my meds and live with it rather than demanding everybody else conform to my disease. To demand that everybody give up everything that somebody might be sensitive to would put us all in plastic bubbles. No thanks! I'll put up with the down side so I can enjoy life.

As a non-smoker I don't enjoy lots of second hand smoke, but blaming poor shooting on it is a stretch. Get a pulse monitor and check yourself out. I think you'll find that a string of 10's will raise your pulse rate more than any amount of second hand tobacco smoke. Good excuse for screwing up though.
: Some of the perfumes and aftershaves are even more 'affecting' than cigarette smoke.
: How some users can think they are making themselves attractive by leaving a trail of gasping asthmatics behind them is beyond belief.
: (plus the post a while back about offensive body odour)

Jack H

Re: Smoking in or around competitors in competion

Post by Jack H »

Don't poo-poo this subject. Let me just tell you that I can be affected by smoking or even the heavy foul odor from smokers themselves, and strong perfumes and other chemicals. I am very sensitive to such things. My doctor states it as chemical sensitivity. Even some chemical products that I touch affect me. The reaction can be both physical and psychological. For example, your smell sense can recoil from a senstizer, even become physically affected. A sensitive person just wants to be rid of the product and its effect. At it's worst the feeling to get away from the product is very strong. Sometimes the breath is siezed and you feel as if under water holding your breath and fighting for air at the same time. It is usually temporary. The very least it is distracting. In this case, distracting from a shooters mindset. It is a good thing smoking on the firing line is not too common, regulated or not. This unwanted reaction to chemicals can be more powerful to the sensitive than the utmost shooting concentration. Then there was the guy who broke really big noisy wind to my right and I giggled my shot into the 6 ring....

: In my opinion smoking should be banned while a competion has started.
: Smoking increases the heart rate whether you or another person next to you is smoking, thus resulting in a poor end result in the competion. I have written the NRA on this matter and I encourage others to do the same to help stamp out smoking while a competion is in session. If we can get enough letters we can introduce a new law in the NRA rule book.
: Please post any comments and Mail the NRA.
: Thanks CHris K ( CT )

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