Thumb pressure or lack there of?

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Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by tedmosby7 »

On my air pistol my grip feels pretty good. I have noticed a lack on contact on my thumb and in the meat of the hand below my thumb/finger web. I wouldn't be too much of a problem but it feels like my thumb wants to lurch forward at times and it shifts the grip pressure and front sight position. Is the thumb supposed to have consistent contact or pressure? Or is floating ok and I am over thinking it?

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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by Gwhite »

Sideways pressure from the thumb will push your shots sideways.

Getting a tight group is all about consistency. The most consistent pressure you can apply to the grip with your thumb is ZERO. As much as possible, the pressure on the grip should be in line with the barrel. If that varies, it doesn't have as much leverage to move your shots around.

Yes, you CAN shoot well with your thumb & fingers tips gripping the pistol. It just makes it much harder because you have to train more to keep the pressure consistent. Why make life more difficult than it needs to be?
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by tedmosby7 »

That is true, good advice. I guess the inconsistency is more in the thumb side of the hand being able to move forward and back. The top of the hand (under the rear sight) is fairly hollow. The meat of the hand under the thumb can move forward and back whereas the rest of the hand is consistent on the grip. If that makes sense? So there is inconsistent reverse pressure in the web between the thumb and finger when pulling the trigger. If that makes a difference.
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by Gwhite »

Although lots of people get bent out of shape if there is a gap above the web of the hand, I never worry about it. The support for the pistol is primarily from the weight of the pistol down on the top of the second finger under the trigger guard, where it wants to pivot forward. That is prevented by the back of the heel rest hitting the bone at the back of the heel of the hand. If you get the pistol to fit your hand perfectly just holding it, as soon as you get into a shooting position, the pistol will settle forward, and loosen up the area under the sight. You want the fore & aft pressure of your hand to be much lower than the web of the thumb anyway. It should be from the middle two fingers, straight back into the rear part of the palm, near the base of the thumb.
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by lyoke3 »

Gwhite wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:52 am Although lots of people get bent out of shape if there is a gap above the web of the hand, I never worry about it. The support for the pistol is primarily from the weight of the pistol down on the top of the second finger under the trigger guard, where it wants to pivot forward. That is prevented by the back of the heel rest hitting the bone at the back of the heel of the hand. If you get the pistol to fit your hand perfectly just holding it, as soon as you get into a shooting position, the pistol will settle forward, and loosen up the area under the sight. You want the fore & aft pressure of your hand to be much lower than the web of the thumb anyway. It should be from the middle two fingers, straight back into the rear part of the palm, near the base of the thumb.
Not to drift off topic but do the same rules apply for a rapid fire pistol grip?
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by Gwhite »

I'm not a rapid fire shooter, but I use the same approach for NRA bullseye, Sport Pistol and Standard Pistol. Rapid Fire is not a precision event, and there may be an advantage to using a stiffer grasp than is optimum for precision shooting.
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by lyoke3 »

Thanks, should be along those same lines. My thumb seems to float and I think the OP has highlighted an issue I have as well.
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by deadeyedick »

The most consistent pressure you can apply to the grip with your thumb is ZERO……..✅
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Re: Thumb pressure or lack there of?

Post by tedmosby7 »

Thanks for the knowledge! Back to dry firing!
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