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New rifle question

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:20 pm
by Rhyno
Hello all, I'm looking to possibly get back into rifle shooting after an 8 year hiatus. I shot in college and was averaging around a 592/600 (non decimal) towards the end. During that time, I was shooting an 800x that I stupidly sold but loved. As a lefty, it is very hard to get a rifle in stock and I have been looking at the walther lg400 blacktek. It seems to be a decent step down from where I was, but technology changes... I guess I'm curious how much I'm going to be missing out over something like the alutek expert? I don't have tons of time to practice and may not compete again for a while but I don't want to get something that I'm going to outgrow in a year.

I currently shoot some pistol and sprung for an lp10 which I have been very much enjoying. I like shooting top level gear when I can and want to make the best investment I can. I still have my suit and accoutrement (if I drop another 5-10 lbs...) so I don't really need to worry too much about extras other than new boots. The biggest issue with the blacktek I see is the buttplate and the sights. Am I overthinking this?

Re: New rifle question

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:20 am
by spektr
ditch the blaktek. Its very restricted in how it adjusts to a shooter.
Buy an 800x or anything but a blaktek