USA Shooting Announces Plans for 2022 Pistol Junior Olympic Championships

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USA Shooting
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Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:27 am

USA Shooting Announces Plans for 2022 Pistol Junior Olympic Championships

Post by USA Shooting »

USA Shooting Announces Plans for 2022 Pistol Junior Olympic Championships
2022 Pistol Junior Olympic Championships are anticipated to be held late April. The location of this event is expected to be the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO.

“We are working very hard to bring the 2022 Pistol Junior Olympic Championships back to the OPTC this coming year. It’s been two years since we’ve hosted any Junior Olympic Championships in our home range, and our top priority is to do just that,” said Breanne Orey, Director of Competitions.

For a chance to qualify for the National Junior Olympic Championships, junior athletes should plan to compete in a State JO. All interested juniors should reach out to their respective state match hosts for more information:

As a reminder, the junior categories are now defined as a junior’s age on the first day of record shot and notated as Under 21 (formerly J1), Under 18 (formerly J2), and Under 15 (formerly J3). Your age category may change from your State JO to the National JO Championships so we will be using one cover-all automatic score this year; however, we still plan to invite competitors in all junior categories until range capacity is full as we have done in previous years. The automatic scores this year are:



While we plan for this match to be held around this time at the OPTC, please be aware that it is subject to change. Any changes to dates or locations will be sent out via email, social media, and posted to the USA Shooting website.
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