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Post by schemmie »

Not sure if I am posting on the correct board, so apologies if I am not.

I was wondering if Megalink is the most used target system for competition? I am seeing new target systems being introduced but not much discussion about the long term use and purpose of these systems(individual home shooter vs. club/team use). I believe Megalink is what's used in college rifle but I guess I am wondering about the longevity and if Megalink will be around for several more years to come?

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Re: Megalink

Post by m1963 »


Search- Megalink, SIUS, Meyton, Quantum, INBAND, ELITE, etc on this board. There is a great deal of information that will show up. SIUS is the most used target system, worldwide, I believe. If not, someone will provide more current information.

Here is one link, in re: SIUS- ... 89#p277589

Best regards,
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Ramon OP
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Re: Megalink

Post by Ramon OP »

For which events and disciplines are you asking?

Sius is the brand used at the Olympics. Another brand that is widely used is Meyton.

Shooters have all kind of targets at home and at the range, electronic and manual.

My set up for air pistol at home includes a simple target holder and pellet catcher, SCATT MX-W2 ( , and Inband Air Target ( ... et-review/. I shoot at a reduced distance because of the size of my apartment.
Ramon (ISSF pistol coach D)
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