Durable Pellet Trap paint

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Durable Pellet Trap paint

Post by jasonorvin »

I'm looking for potential solutions to constantly chipping paint on air pistol/rifle pellet traps. We have an indoor air pistol silhouette range that uses a steel plate angled down to deflect the pellets for missed shots (animals deflect the hits). That backer is painted white, but the paint chips with each shot, and even gets chips and scrapes from pellet pieces glancing off of the targets. In some sense, the chipping is nice because you can see where you missed. But it also makes it hard for each successive shooter to see the target clearly as the metallic gray starts to surround the target. We could spray paint the backer, but it takes time, and we are indoors, so we would have to severely limit it. Products like the Gamo pellet trap target gallery (https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1015735334) have paint on the backer plate, which I have seen hold up to hundreds of shots. That seems like an ideal solution, but I don't know what the product(s) are they used to coat the steel. Any ideas on paint types or powder coats that work best?
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Re: Durable Pellet Trap paint

Post by m1963 »

Just a thought- it may be easier to adjust your lighting than to paint all the time. Most backstops get torn up, no matter what the paint. Our SIUS targets do not get torn up, but do get lead covered. We never see it, because of the lighting.

The first photo shows how the target face looks, the way it is lit. The second photo shows the lead deposits inside the trap. There is no chipped paint.
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