Which 10M Gun?

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Which 10M Gun?

Post by Rob »

Considering a 10m PCP rifle, wood stock. Choices would be P-70 or 2002. How about some pro's and cons for both guns from owners.
Mr X

What about a .700 Nitro Express ? NT

Post by Mr X »


Re: Which 10M Gun?

Post by pdeal »

I have both a P70 (wood lam stock) and an ans 2002ca (alu stock). I'd say it does not matter a bit which you choose. I shoot the 2002 and my daughter shoots the P70. I purposly stick with the 2002 because I don't think swapping around will help my scores any. I think with a few months I could shoot as well with the P70. The only thing I really like on the 2002 is the ease of scope mounting. Not that I do it that much but if you want to get some off season practice with a scope it is easy to do on the 2002. Scope mounting on a P70 is awkward at best.

Gaines Blackwell

Re: Which 10M Gun?

Post by Gaines Blackwell »

I suggested to Rob that he post here for this is a serious investment and he wanted advise. It was nice of PDeal to give a very plausible answer and as much as I genuinely appreciate humor the 700 Nitro answer did not help and by the way the .577 and 600 were the largest and next largest bores in the Nitro series and way off topic. Can someone give this gentlemen their view on his choices. It is even an opportunity to intoduce Pilkington's who are kind enough to sponser this forum .
Considering a 10m PCP rifle, wood stock. Choices would be P-70 or 2002. How about some pro's and cons for both guns from owners.
: Rob


Re: Which 10M Gun?

Post by GaryN »

I think they are both good. One thing that I find important is fit. The problem with that is, until/unless you physically try out the rifle you don't know how the fit will be.
I shoot a P70jr. I like if fine, except for the ambi stock of the Jr. The problem w an ambi stock is that it is neither right-hand nor left-hand. And this was one of those things that I would not know w/o physically trying out the rifle. And I did not try it out, so I was not prepared for the feel of the ambi stock.
As pdeal mentioned the P70 is harder to scope. The rear sight rail is short (which is fine for 10m AR) and the loading gate needs to be shortened for use w a scope. If you don't intend to scope it, not an issue.
I prefer the butt plate of the Anschutz 2002 over the FWB P70, but this is something that can be fixed w 3rd party parts such as from MEC.
Neither has a built in dry fire option, like a switch. But Pilkingtons has a 3rd party dry fire adapter for the P70.
One thing that I noticed, and I don't know if it has changed is the wood lamination. On my FWB the laminate is cross grained, like plywood the grain in each layer is oriented 90 degrees from the next layer. On an Anschutz that I looked at, the grain in all the layers run the same way. While this is similar to the grain in a solid wood stock, you loose the additional strength gained from cross-grain lamination. I don't know if this is a contributing factor to something I've heard on this forum before, where the Anschutz stock tends to crack in the pistol grip when subjected to the "abuse" of traveling.
Rather a nit, but possibly a real psychologial item is color. Some people like the Anschutz blue stock, I do, others don't. The Anschutz comes in beech, walnut (I think the walnut is solid not a laminate), or blue, the FWB only in a "blonde" color.
The barrel weight on the 2002 is in 5 sections, and you can easily add/remove sections to fine tune the weight. The P70 barrel weight is only in 2 sections, which makes it more difficult to "fine tune."
I don't think you can loose with either choice.
BTW, I looked at the Sydney Olympics pictures on the Pilkington site. Nancy Johnson shoots a FWB, husband Ken shoots an Anschutz.

: Considering a 10m PCP rifle, wood stock. Choices would be P-70 or 2002. How about some pro's and cons for both guns from owners.
: Rob

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