Need some advice: My breach keeps popping open

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Need some advice: My breach keeps popping open

Post by Chris »

at each shot on my ZM2002 (Anschutz 2002 conversion). Anyone got any ideas?
Chuck Marsh

Re: Need some advice: My breach keeps popping open

Post by Chuck Marsh »

: at each shot on my ZM2002 (Anschutz 2002 conversion). Anyone got any ideas?
: Chris
Hi Chris
Check that the bolt linkage is going all the
way down before firing also the condition of the
breach seal. Its supposed to have some seal compression on that breach seal when its closed.
If its a ZM the air volumn and pressure are
much higher than the regular stock 2002.
Chuck Marsh

It's FIXED now. :-)

Post by Chris »

I got the following reply which fixed my problem.
This is a public Thank You to that individual.
I had two objectives which were met...I was successful in fixing my problem and did it without having to call busy Allen Zasadny :-)

I sold mine a month or 2 ago but this is a common complaint with these guns. It is a very easy
adjustment. There is a pin that runs through the gun sideways. It is actually the pin which the
closing lever turns. It looks like a bolt with a hex head on one side and a little retaining ring on the other. You will note a little graphic next to the hex head. The graphic actually shows you which way to turn it to increase the pressure on the closing lever.

You will need to remove the retaining ring then push the pin out so the hex head can be rotated one notch. Then reassemble. You have two notches to work with. If you need more adjustment you will have to loosen the screws that hold the barrel in and move the barrel back slightly.

This is not nearly as tough as it sounds.

**** Name deleted since this was a emailed directly to me but others may experience this problem so I've posted the solution. I had to rotate the pin one segment/notch counterclockwise and the breech now stays closed. I'm a happy camper once again and it was a surprising easy adjustment ****
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