Pardini K10 losses air abruptly

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Pardini K10 losses air abruptly

Post by tqb »


My Pardini K10 is doing something that I suspect is not normal.

When I leave my air cylinder screwed in a few days/weeks, it slowly losses air until empty.

If I cock and then unscrew my air cylinder some seconds later (15 to 60 seconds later) it looses the air stored in the pistol through the reductor valve pushing pin (K038).
Here's a video of it: ...

Is this normal? If as I suspect it is not, how can I fix it?

Thank You,
David M
Posts: 1687
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:43 pm

Re: Pardini K10 losses air abruptly

Post by David M »

First determine if the leak is in the tank or pistol.
Fill the tank and leave off the pistol, does it hold pressure ?
No - leak in tank. re-seal tank.
Yes - leak in pistol. re-seal pistol.
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