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How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:07 pm
by oddjack
I have a Hammerli AP20 Pro that I might sell depending on the price. What's a fair asking price for this gun currently?

It's in great shape in original box.

Re: How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:12 am
by Rover
Why not do what the rest of us do and list it in the Classifieds at a greatly inflated price, hoping to nail a newbie.

Shortly thereafter you'll receive a slew of requests for photos from folks who haven't the least intent to buy. Mixed
with those, you'll get excruciatingly low-ball offers and, "is your price negotiable?"

Finally, despairing, with tears running down your chubby cheeks, you accept the best of these and post SOLD.

Then you'll get a PM saying, "Sorry, I bought a really nice Daisy 717 instead."

Re: How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:32 am
by Gwhite
Step 1: Ignore Rover (generally good advice on almost any topic...)

Step 2: Research what the current price is in your country, NOT what you paid for it, and NOT list price. Find the lowest price for a new pistol. THAT is what you are pricing against. If you paid more for it, too bad. Your buyer doesn't have to.

Step 3: For a pistol that is in current production and mint condition, guesstimate a price about 75% of that, assuming the cylinder(s) is/are only a year or two out of date. Expect to discount down for older cylinders, any missing accessories, missing manual, nicks & dings on the case, grip modifications, etc. Also discount further if your pistol is old enough that the manufacturer has updated the design since you bought it.

If that seems too low a price, list it for what you think it's worth, but "or best offer". Prepare for some people trying to low-ball you. Be prepared for significant shipping charges (~ $25 in the US). If you have an odd grip size (very small or very large, or lefty), remember that the buyer is likely to have to buy a new grip, and that will make the pistol even less attractive.

Re: How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:58 am
by deadeyedick
Rovers response is true..and Gwhites is correct.

Re: How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:04 pm
by Akutaro

What is your impression of the AP20 Pro? The question of how this pistol compares to its higher priced contemporaries has come up here and on other forums but the reviews are always mixed. Those with a negative impression of the Hammerli generally aren’t very specific about where it falls short with regard to performance. They typically give subjective evaluations of the build quality or appearance and then espouse advice such as, “save up your money and buy a used _______.” I’m interested in your experience with the pistol. Fit, finish, and fripperies aside, how has the AP20 Pro compared on target with other PCP match pistols you’ve used?

Re: How much does my Hammerli worth?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:27 am
by mister G
The latest new AP20s seem to be offered in the high $700s. The new AP20 Pros are in the range $900 - $950.

The next step up is $1500 - $2000 +. Not much in the middle Good luck.