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Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:18 am
by Paul
Three months ago, I got a brand new Anschutz 9003. Back then, I tested many lots of pellets from a machine rest and the best ones produced averages of 6.2 mm for 10 shot groups. Now 3 months later, these same lots, tested with the very same setup average almost 8 mm. Do you have any idea of the cause of the deterioration in accuracy ?

Re: Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:37 am
by batty
if its brand new - did you clean it first? as this could effect accuracy as could lead in the barrel

Other than that it could be that the barrel has worn in a little (in a good way) and rubbed off all the cutting marks now

how have you stored the pellets? have they oxidised?

Give it a good clean, torque it up, chrono it and test again and see how you get on

Re: Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:29 am
by Paul
Give it a good clean, torque it up, chrono it and test again and see how you get on
That's almost exacly what I did (I don't have a chrono) but unfortunately...I can't get back to 6 mm.

Re: Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:35 am
by batty
ok - shoot about 50 pellet though it, pull a dry pull through, through it and then test it again and see how you get on

Re: Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:33 pm
by Paul
shoot about 50 pellet though it, pull a dry pull through, through it and then test it again and see how you get on

I followed your advice and did the test with a good lot of Qiang Yuan Match but unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem.

Average of this lot when rifle was new: 6.3 mm
Average of the 5 groups (5 X 10) during the test: 7.2 mm
Average of 3 groups after cleaning: 7.8 mm

Re: Anschutz 9003 Accuracy Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:25 am
by batty
i'm thinking it could be time for a service/sending back to the manufacturer/seller