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Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 4:52 pm
by aalbert
Bought a $130 Anshutz shooting jacket from Creedmoor, but am lacking the proper info on how to install the buttons... I have googled to no avail.. Any suggestions or guidelines?


Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:44 am
by Tim S

Do you mean you're having trouble deciding where the buttons go, or you can't work out how to attach the buttons?

Unless Anschutz have changed their button design, these are a two piece screw-in type. There should be a little bolt-headed screw with the button. You can make a hole for the screw with a bradawl or drill first. I push the screw through the jacket, hold it down and spin on the button. You'll need to use a small spanner to tighten all the way.

Placing the buttons is best done with a helper. While you wear the jacket, have them close it, and mark through the button holes. You can then move individual buttons as needed.

Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:20 am
by aalbert
Thank you.. Yes, more of a placement and fit issue. He is 13 almost 14, and I will likely need to setup the buttons at least twice in the life of the jacket, but would like a little insight on placement with respect to fit, etc. so I can try not make it not too tight/loose in the proper areas.


Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:42 am
by David Levene
I presume that you've looked at section 7.5.4 of the ISSF rules, specifically rule

Closure of the jacket must be only by non-adjustable means e.g. buttons or
zippers. The jacket must not overlap more than 100 mm at the closure (see
Jacket Table). The jacket must hang loosely on the wearer. To determine this, the
jacket must be capable of being overlapped beyond the normal closure by at least
70 mm, measured from the center of the button to the outside edge of the button
hole. The measurement will be taken with the arms at the sides. A measurement
must be made with an overlap gauge with a tension of 6.0 kg to 8.0 kg. The area
surrounding the button hole is limited to a maximum of 12 mm, and this area may
exceed the permitted 2.5 mm thickness.

Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:43 am
by pfiori
One thing that I can add is to work from the bottom up when installing the buttons. Have him wear what he will normally wear under the jacket including the pants and start by aligning the bottom hem of the jacket and mark and install the first button and then continue to mark and install each button in order. It is important to button the installed buttons before marking the next one up.
Plan on moving them as needed, they will loosen as the jacket breaks in and tighten as he grows so you have to constantly keep an eye on how it is fitting. Also dont look at that jacket as a long term investment, my son outgrew 2 in one year during those years. The same for the pants and boots.


Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:17 pm
by aalbert
Thanks... I am hoping to get a year out of the jacket (i.e. next XMAS), but if he sprouts faster than that, I will get a new one earlier....

My son measured at 36.5 chest diameter, and the jacket ordered was a 38, so I don't think the jacket will be excessively loose, but will measure the overlaps etc.

Re: Anschutz Shooting Jacket Button Installation

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:53 am
by esepulveda
Hi, some time ago I saw a post from Kurt Thune that showed another a way to set jacket buttons, I followed and it did help me.
Since then, every once in a while, I double check it and still works.

