54.30 or KK 500 ???

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54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by Heddok »

Hi Everyone
After 40 years shooting primarily second and third hand Anschutz's I've finally decided to buy a top of the line rifle. I don't need it and am only a club level shooter but life is short.

Both of these are about the same price when optioned the same here in Canada. I'm not concerned about resale value or the last smidgeon of accuracy. What I want to know is the pro's and con's of each. I've read nearly all the threads here going back to the introduction of each. I'd just like to get the latest opinions from anyone that owns either.

Any and all thoughts and opinions positive or negative appreciated.

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Re: 54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by GeraldC »

My personal opinion would be to get the KK500.There is the flexibility to shoot left handed if you need to because of issues with eyes or other issues.
I had a bad case of bursitis earlier this year and had to stop shooting for a while but I could probably have carried on left handed.And for resale the market is larger.
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Re: 54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by tenring »

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Re: 54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by casadehusker »

I am pretty lucky. I have both. I use either or in a G&E XRS stock.

Both shot well, I have aftermarket barrels on both. So I can really only give input on the action. I like the Walther better. The bolt is closer to me, the bolt throw is shorter, (and for a short guy those help with loading movement), I like that I can set it to eject out the left side, and I think the trigger is better.

Just my 2 cents
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Re: 54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by svensta »

Time for some biased opinion.

Had the same choice dilemma 2 years ago. Went the KK500 route, fantastic, awesome, insanely great, no regrets!
With off the shelf Center-X I have whipped plenty with their Bleikers (when they are not being repaired) and batch tested ammo.

I recently changed the standard grip with a large LG400 one. Much better for prone. My only complaint about the
KK500 is the grip it comes with is for small people who shoot 3P. OK it works for prone but I never liked it.

https://www.carl-walther.com/products/s ... 81298.html
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Re: 54.30 or KK 500 ???

Post by 54.30mang »

I have my own biased opinion on the subject as well. When confronted with the same choice I chose the 54.30. My reason was it is an upgrade on the old tried and true 54 Anschutz I was used to. More of a "why rock the boat decision." Anschutz rifles have worked well for generations in my family so switching to an unknown made little sense. However for the price, I believe the KK500 is slightly cheaper than the 54.30 as the 54.30 does not include sights. The ergonomics and stock adjustments on the KK500 look more user friendly and some parts do not require tools to adjust. I have had ejection issues with the 54.30 when using the sight riser that goes over the action supplied with the rifle (to allow you to mount the rear sight over the action and ejection port). Spent cases would often lodge in the smaller port and become a frustrating problem to clear out during a match. The problem was remedied by switching to a single riser and moving the sight behind the port. But that will limit rear sight placement for many shooters. Otherwise the 54.30 has ran like a champ.
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