pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

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pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

Post by crankythunder »

Hi guys:

figure it is time for the buffer to be replaced on my Pardini SP Bullseye edition.

Got the replacement buffer but am not sure how to remove the old one or how to install the new one.

Looked at the parts diagram, it is part 717 and called the back shock absorber.

looked on You Tube but couldn't find anything.

Looks like if I remove the grips, field strip it, I should be able to push it out the front of the gun if there is a hole back there to slide a long allen wrench in. Probably best to ask for help first before I start fishing around in there.

Thank Fellas!
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Re: pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

Post by fc60 »


The ones I have replaced are shaped like a mushroom.

I removed the grip, bolt, and barrel for access.

Push the old one out with the end of a long allen wrench or other suitable tool from the rear of the frame.

To get the new one in place, Super Glue it to the end of a long wood dowel. Then you can clock the flat on the buffer and get it started into the hole with relative ease.

Once fully seated, wiggle the stick forth and back to break the Super Glue bond.

Actually, if you are going through all of the above anyway, consider placing the frame in an old pan and cover it with Mineral Spirits to wash away all the "gunk". Use a GENTLE blast of air to remove the solvent then lube the sear with MolyKote grease and oil the remaining parts.


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Re: pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

Post by jmdavis »

I've been able to do it in the past with the buffer attached to the dowel with some thick grease. But I do like the superglue idea since that would be more secure.
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Re: pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

Post by PFribley »

I used a dowell and used some silicone sealer to glue the buffer to the dowell. Put some oil on the extension of the buffer. Slide it thu the body of the pistol. Line it up then drive it home with the slide.
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Re: pardini buffer (back shock absorber) replacement

Post by Dipnet »

I replaced my recoil buffer after about the first 5K rounds; see pictures and discussion regarding damage to the recoil buffer by the recoil dampening rod ( ... il#p257365). If you've bought the SPBE model, the recoil dampening rod is a redundant feature that actually wears out the recoil buffer at the point of contact (clearly evident in images). I asked Alexander about this and he said I could remove the dampening rod and 13 o-rings but to be sure to check the recoil buffer for wear.

Without the dampening rod, my replacement recoil buffer has lasted 5K+ rounds. I used grease to stick the new recoil buffer a wooden dowel to reinsert it. It is easy to check the status of the replacement buffer with a flashlight. Dipnet
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