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Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:20 am
by javaduke
Yesterday during a match my Morini CM22 ejector broke again, same thing happened about four years ago and I had to mail the gun to Pilkguns for repair. It makes me wonder now, is it a common problem? What would cause it? I can't imagine the impact of an empty brass case can break a hardened steel piece - or can it? I only shoot standard velocity SK ammo from this gun, no mini mags, hypervelocity or anything else.
Has anyone experienced the same issue before?

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:13 pm
by siordian1
Eugene, is that you?

You are the only guy I know with a busted CM22. I hope you shot well in Center fire and 45.

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:01 pm
by javaduke
siordian1 wrote:Eugene, is that you?

You are the only guy I know with a busted CM22. I hope you shot well in Center fire and 45.
Of course, it's me :) Yeah, shot the rest of the match more or less ok but this Morning malfunction was very disappointing. Just trying to understand if this is something unusual. Either way, I'm going to call Pilkguns tomorrow and ship the lower for repair.

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:26 pm
by Spencer
It happens to the CM33M. Mine has broken one after LOTS of rounds, but it is an easy replacement.
David Moore tells me that you should check that the rear of the groove in the slide that the ejector travels in has enough clearance and the slide does not hit the top/rear of the ejector when the slide closes. Any interference can be picked up by the blueing missing at the top/rear of the ejector (relieve the back of the groove with a dremel if needed).
Some ejectors might be a bit too hard...

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:43 pm
by hurt
I broke a firing pin once!

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:07 pm
by javaduke
Well, long story short, I mailed the trigger group to Pilkington and it was fixed the same day and shipped back to me. Two thumbs up to Pilkington for great customer service!

Re: Morini CM22 ejector broke again!!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 10:46 am
by cerami
The ejector on my CM22 failed only once and it was due to my fault. Found out that if magazine is pushed all the way up the top of the magazine will contact the ejector. Mine is an early model SN 890 on latest models have not observed this type of mechanical interference. To avoid this I just glued a thin shim on the magazine plastic base to avoid the over-travel of the magazine when inserting into the gun. No more broken ejectors in over 6 years.