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Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:10 pm
by bmcross
Hey everyone,

Anyone know why Steyr, and to some extent, Morini, are so dominant in terms of popularity for 10m air pistols? Obviously, they are fantastic pistols, but just wondering why you don’t see as many FWB, Pardini, or Walthers. Is it that recent world class shooters have won with Steyr and Moroni and so people want those? Is it the electronic trigger? Just curious. Anschutz used to dominate the rifle market, but nowadays it’s much more even with FWB and Walther. Wondering if Steyr is just the name everyone thinks of when they think of air pistol.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:59 pm
by SamEEE
Steyr and Morini have had a good design and just tweaked it around the edges. They work really well, and have been trusted by the best for some 20 years now. That counted a lot for me when I bought my Morini 162EI.

FWB made a couple of dungers and that was them done - but slowly making a comeback as a result of their rifle success. Walther... at least they still make the GSP.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:13 pm
by Christopher Miceli
Electronic triggers

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:17 pm
by Elmas
Cezar Morini is the Enzo Ferrari of Air Pistol .

Ferrari did not invent the petrol engine but Morini introduced Air
as the propellant that replaced Carbon Dioxide.
Switching us from Fire extinguishers to SCUBA tanks.

Morini's guns have a lot of innovation .

Morini is a great showman who oozes a catching enthusiasm !

Morini has a successful marketing strategy and Italian flair !

Steyr pistols have excellent quality and design .

Superb mechanical and electronic triggers.

An effective recoil compensator .

They have marketing skills.

And the best after sales service and support everywhere .


Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:41 am
by northpaw
Cezare Morini ... introduced Air as the propellant that replaced Carbon Dioxide. Switching us from Fire extinguishers to SCUBA tanks.
Yes, Morini did. The basic design of the M162 series are nearly three decades old now. The competing brand has left them behind, slowly.
FWB made a couple of dungers and that was them done -
Yes, they did, indeed,- they simply didn`t have success with the the leap from CO2 to air:
The P30: trigger issues, air cylinder issues. P34: absorber issues. P40: available for a short time only, - an unapealing chunk of iron. P44: Absorber issues, unusual center of gravity which was only marginably adjustable. With weights added the gun got top-heavy....

I wish FWB luck with their apparently all-new P8x! It`s gaining popularity...mechanical trigger only, but that mechanical trigger is very good...

The Walther 400s: trigger issues. Some top-rank masters used them for a while, then changed, mostly to Steyr.

The Pardinis? Same as for the Walther 400s: Some used them for å while, then made a change to some other brand.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:05 am
by deadeyedick
I wish FWB luck with their apparently all-new P8x! It`s gaining popularity...mechanical trigger only, but that mechanical trigger is very good...
Well said. I just purchased a new p8x and the trigger is magnificent.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:49 am
by 40xguy
I don't have the expertise and background that most everyone else here has, but having bought a Steyr LP2 back in September, I can tell you I've had more fun than anything else I've ever shot. As an "old fart," my goal is very simple: keep all 60 shots in the black..... I'm a lllooooooonnnnnnggggg way from that goal, but it's fun trying. This Steyr is the perfect weight and balance, great trigger, and you can mold the grip to your liking. Also, the ammo is about $10 for 500 shots !!!! can't beat that. don't think I'll ever shoot competitively, but so what. this pistol registers a 10 on the "fun meter."

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:32 am
by wasatch
deadeyedick wrote:
I wish FWB luck with their apparently all-new P8x! It`s gaining popularity...mechanical trigger only, but that mechanical trigger is very good...
Well said. I just purchased a new p8x and the trigger is magnificent.
Another vote of appreciation for the great feeling P8X trigger!

Really like the P8X in general: adjustments are user friendly, the absorber is effective, consistent & reliable, large cylinder w/ upwards of 200 shots & nice grip shape. :-)

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:10 pm
by kevinweiho
I think what sets apart Steyr and Morini air pistols from other brands are their triggers. They did it right from the get go,
that’s why they continue to be popular and used by world-class shooters.

Many years ago, I was going to purchase a FWB P44, (because I already had a P34 short) but finally decided on the LP10.
The trigger difference was like night and day!

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:16 pm
by bmcross
Thanks for the replies.

Are the electronic triggers much different/superior to the mechanical triggers?

Also, how much do people tweak their pistol grip? I ask because I saw the grip on the FWB P8X can be adjusted without removing it, but I don't believe the other brands have this capability. Seems like a convenient feature, but not sure how much it'd be used after the initial set up.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:51 pm
by SamEEE
bmcross wrote:Thanks for the replies.

Are the electronic triggers much different/superior to the mechanical triggers?

Also, how much do people tweak their pistol grip?.
1) No, not really. I went for electronic for convenience of not having to cock the trigger for a dryfire.

2) Varies. Some don't touch the stock grip, others modify the stock grip, others have custom fitted grips. So long as it is close it doesn't really matter in my view.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:31 pm
by bmcross
SamEEE wrote:
bmcross wrote:Thanks for the replies.

Are the electronic triggers much different/superior to the mechanical triggers?

Also, how much do people tweak their pistol grip?.
1) No, not really. I went for electronic for convenience of not having to cock the trigger for a dryfire.

2) Varies. Some don't touch the stock grip, others modify the stock grip, others have custom fitted grips. So long as it is close it doesn't really matter in my view.
Okay good to know since that’s about a $200-$300 difference between the Evo and the Evo E.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:43 pm
by deadeyedick
I would still pay the $200-300 more for the electronic. After spending some time with the Oz Steyr distributor recently I was very impressed...and $200 is not much to future proof yourself for the time when all triggers may be electronic.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:25 pm
by sparky
After hearing what happened to folks with Walther Free Pistols, I’m really leery about getting something with an electronic trigger. I think my Pardini’s trigger is great, and I won’t have to worry about a circuit board becoming unobtanium.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:31 pm
by Gort
I bought my Feinwerkbau P8X nearly 12,000 pellets and a year ago. It impressed me as a very well thought out design, adjustments for everything and an excellent trigger. I have since sold my LP10, the P8X trigger is superior IMHO. I have kept my 162EI as my understudy for free pistol. I would not dismiss mechanical triggers if you have not used the P8X's. To the original poster point, its about sponsorship and marketing. If you can get the big dogs using your product, the masses follow.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:31 am
by bmcross
deadeyedick wrote:I would still pay the $200-300 more for the electronic. After spending some time with the Oz Steyr distributor recently I was very impressed...and $200 is not much to future proof yourself for the time when all triggers may be electronic.
What makes the electronic trigger so worth it in your opinion, deadeyedick? The dry firing without cocking is convenient, but was there something else that really impressed you with them? Coming from air rifle and smallbore, I’ve always only had mechanical triggers.

Glad people are liking their P8Xs. I dry fired one a few times a week ago and it seemed very nice from that limited interaction.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:27 am
by bmcross
Also, can you use an electronic trigger with a SCATT USB? I saw in another forum some people had issues at one point using the 162EI on a SCATT

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:35 am
by David Levene
bmcross wrote:Also, can you use an electronic trigger with a SCATT USB? I saw in another forum some people had issues at one point using the 162EI on a SCATT
That was probably with an MX2. I know many people who use a 162EI with a Scatt USB.

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:28 am
by bmcross
David Levene wrote:
bmcross wrote:Also, can you use an electronic trigger with a SCATT USB? I saw in another forum some people had issues at one point using the 162EI on a SCATT
That was probably with an MX2. I know many people who use a 162EI with a Scatt USB.
Oh okay. Thanks Dave!

Re: Steyr Popularity in Air Pistol

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:25 pm
by j-team
bmcross wrote:Are the electronic triggers much different/superior to the mechanical triggers?
I have owned both Morini and Steyr electronic trigger air pistols, I'm now back to Steyr mechanical. I also had a Pardini SP electronic too, but the less said about that the better, back to mechanical there too!

I didn't shoot any better with electronic triggers and wouldn't own one again. The big reason for me is that if the mechanical trigger fails, I can fix it, with electronic you need factory support. That's OK if you are in Europe or close to the required support, but if you are down in the South Pacific like I am, it's a factor worth considering.