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carpal tunnel

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:11 am
by 40xguy
have to have carpal tunnel surgery on left wrist. this because of smallbore rifle stock resting on hand and causing numbness. has anyone had any experience with this type surgery? if so, would you please tell your results. other thoughts and opinions welcome. thanks for any input.

Re: carpal tunnel

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:30 pm
by Cumbrian
I'm sorry to hear this but from what I know (two friends have had this surgery) and can read on the internet about it, the outcome of surgery is usually good. I am particularly interested because I think I may be developing carpal tunnel syndrome myself (periodic numbness in the middle fingers). However, the medics seem to recommend exercises for the hand, anti-inflammatory drugs , and dietary changes to alleviate the condition before going for the invasive procedure, which makes sense to me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Re: carpal tunnel

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:23 am
by mbradley
You may want to try a cortisone injection first

Re: carpal tunnel

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:16 pm
by d-cuttler
I had the surgery done on both hands back in the 70s, and never regretted it. I regained complete use of both hands, and never had any issues after all these years. I had it done for free at the VA hospital in Charleston SC. Anything else is just delaying the inevitable.

Now that I have recently turned 80, I do have some arthritis, but I cannot blame it on the surgery.

Re: carpal tunnel

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:16 pm
by nglitz
I've been flirting with carpal tunnel problems for years. It started when I was shooting enough hardball 45 to go Distinguished, back in 2003. That and tendinitis, great fun. The best thing I've found as a preventive/palliative measure is almost a yoga pose. Hands in front of your chest, palms together and fingers up and together. Close to a "Anjali Mudra" position if you want to look it up. Keeping the heels of your hands hard together, rotate your wrists to bring your fingers back, pointing just below your chin. Slowly push away from your body and you can feel those tendons stretch. Go easy. Do it several times a day, holding the pose for 10 to fifteen seconds or until it starts to get a little uncomfortable.

I've suggested this to several other people with CT problems; typists, data entry, etc. Some good results, no bad results. It's kept me away from the surgeons and out of the medicine cabinet. The price is right, too.

I'd post a picture, but all I can find have very distracting ladies doing the poses.

Re: carpal tunnel

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:49 am
by dronning
My surgeon was a competitive shooter so she gave me great advice. We tried both exercise and cortisone first with only limited results. If I had tried exercises years earlier it might have helped.

I ended up having both wrists done (not at the same time), no issues whatsoever, I should have done it years earlier when I first started having symptoms.

Recovery: I started shooting 22 pistol 4 weeks after surgery and the 45 three weeks later (too soon), doc had told me to wait another 5-6 weeks and I should have because I developed a flinch. Stopped shooting the 45 for another 6 weeks then worked back into it slowly.
- Dave

Cool thing was I got to watch the monitor as it was being done. Nifty little popup scalpel! I have some pictures if you want to see them! LOL