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rear iris with 1.5 mag vs eagle eye on front

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:57 am
by phatom
What is the difference between the rear iris mag vs the having the eagle eye on your front iris?
also thinking of getting a rear iris with 5-color filter and full polarization what conditions do you use polarization and the different colors


Re: rear iris with 1.5 mag vs eagle eye on front

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:52 am
by Tim S

The Eagle eye is a fixed +0.3 or +0.5 lens. It makes the target clearer and slightly larger. The rear iris lens (Optic in German catalogues) is a variable focus lens system. It corrects for your distance prescription + sight picture.

Polarisation is used to tome down glare on very bright days. Filters reduce light and can also enhance contrast. A yellow is often used indoors as it cuts out blue end of the spectrum, which you get with fluorescent lights. Although the filter blocks light, the blue it cuts isn't so visible to us.

Re: rear iris with 1.5 mag vs eagle eye on front

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:26 pm
by phatom
So if I have to wear glasses to see the front sight aperture clearer the rear 1,5 mag is the best choice

Re: rear iris with 1.5 mag vs eagle eye on front

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:06 pm
by Tim S
phatom wrote:So if I have to wear glasses to see the front sight aperture clearer the rear 1,5 mag is the best choice
A rearsight dioptre would do the job without an additional lens. But most dioptres won't compensate for astigmatism, if that's required, and none are ISSF legal.

Unless your prescription will change frequently, a single lens worn in glasses, or attached to the rearsight is simpler still.