Upgrade rifles??

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Upgrade rifles??

Post by michael1 »

Hello. I shoot silhouette and train with a FWB 300S. No coat, gloves, etc. I now shoot low 550's x 600 on the 10m target offhand (irons). I know that I will never be in the same league as many on this forum. Still, personal now travel takes me to some locations with "open" 10m matches. I think it would be fun to participate in them, but I want to be competitive. Just curious, what would you consider to be a reasonable expectation of score increase, if any, after getting comfortable with say a used FWB 700 type airgun and the appropriate shooting clothes? Thanks!
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Re: Upgrade rifles??

Post by gspell68 »

Probably around 575 for non-decimal scoring and around 605 for decimal scoring for most local and low-level, international (standing), CMP type matches would be good enough to get you into the finals.
If shooting with the top class guys, then you need about 600 and 620, respectively, to be competitive.
Scott Pell
Augusta, Georgia
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:54 am

Re: Upgrade rifles??

Post by michael1 »

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. Shooting offhand is addictive and the 10m target tells me more about how I am progressing in terms of consistency than silhouette. Again, thanks. Michael
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Re: Upgrade rifles??

Post by gwsb »

Two ideas for your shooting journey.

1. As to equipment, buy the best, newest, most up to date your bank account and wife or husband will let you spend. You will never blame your equipment for a bad shot and you know what you need to work on and you will be able to shoot 10s. Also almost all shooting equipment, especially rifles have a ready resale market with a minimum of loss when you sell.

2. Everyone wants to be competitive. No body goes to a match wanting to lose. However it is necessary to keep in mind that your number one competitor is yourself. You must do every thing you can both mentally and physically to be sure that the next shot is a 10. If you do that one thing successfully soon you will be stringing together 10s and will progress up the leader board. You must ignore what the others are shooting and focus on your own next shot.
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