cheek piece question

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cheek piece question

Post by bugman1955 »

I find I am too far forward on the cheek piece which results in an unsteady head position. I cannot move it forward to compensate. Other than moving the butt plate out, any suggestions on what I can try.
Tim S
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by Tim S »

Which position?

If you can't move the cheekpiece forwards, can you replace it with something longer, or add an extension piece at the top?

Otherwise, if you are dropping your head onto the cheek piece, could you raise the rifle or sight line, so your head doesn't come so far forwards?
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by bugman1955 »

Tim, thanks for the reply. It is the prone position. I shoot the first generation Gemini which the cheek piece cannot go forward which would bring my head back is what I need to do.Move the cheek piece too far forward and the bolt won"t go all the way back to eject the shells.
Tim S
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by Tim S »

I know those well, and have one too. The design is good, but it's over twenty years okd, and doesn't have as much adjystment as newer stocks.

Ok, do you have any raiser blocks under the sights? If the answer is yes, you have leeway to bridge the tlp of the cheekpiece. The bolt can then move back freely underneath.
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by bugman1955 »

Yes, I do use risers but does not help my cheek on the cheek piece.
Tim S
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by Tim S »

Find a thinnish strip of wood about as wide as the top of the cheekpiece. Tape it onto the top, and lower the cheekpiece to suit; there should be room to run it down if you're using sight risers.

If that gives the extra length you need find a more permanent way to fix the strip, and blend the inner exge to match the contor of the Gemini cheekpiece etc.
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Re: cheek piece question

Post by bugman1955 »

Tim, we were thinking along the same lines. I have a material called A&B epoxy that when mixed together hardens. If I am going to extend the cheek piece, I might as well do the whole thing. Looks nicer and will feel more comfortable than wood. I will try to send a picture. Thanks for help, Don.
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