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ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:38 am
by matchguy
While watching the ISSF World Cup Finals this weekend, the commentators brought up many of the competitors don't like the clapping at the end of the match. This has been discussed many times here. Yes, the competitors have to practice for it but what other Olympic sport allows it? For the final point in Tennis, final putt in Golf, final arrow in Archery or even last roll of the ball in Bowling? I've seen many competitors blow their final shots when the clapping starts.

They should stop this spectacle and the announcer should tell the crowd "please give the competitors the best chance to make a good shot w/o disctractions." It makes the sport look like a Circus instead of a serious sport.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:36 am
by TenMetrePeter
Someone actually blew a vuvuzela at one of the Rio finals. Most of the spectators will be passionate shooting fans. I just don't understand their disgraceful behaviour.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:50 am
by jhmartin
matchguy wrote:It makes the sport look like a Circus instead of a serious sport.
A Circus is what the ISSF & the IOC thinks makes a "good" sport. (Your word "serious" does not even begin to be a part of the equation)
The "Sensationalism", "Excitement", "Unpredictability", "Racous, Rude Behavior", etc ... that's what folks want in a televised sport .... yes?

ISSF is only following the dollars to what they think will keep shooting in the Olympics.
My prediction: In 16 years, all the babies being born now will only see Shotgun in the Olympics. ISSF will have "tried" and failed (along with completely overhauling the rules) to keep the non-PC discliplines of R & P in.

R & P has less "action" than Curling .... so they go into the stands to get that action.

I may be a cynic, but I think I'm also a realist.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:17 pm
by Xman
16 years is being very optimistic. I give it 8 years at best. The ISSF knows it and it does not care.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:53 pm
by gwsb
I was at a collegiate match this weekend where they played music on the loudspeaker during the match. During the finals I think the crowd was uneasy with clapping but it seems to be the flavor of the day.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:10 pm
by Mike Carter
At the 2016 MBA classic in Nashville TN. the CMP portable Megalink range was set up in 2 gyms to run the 3PAR matches. The finals this year was a 24 shot Elimination style standing match. Chance and Maya of CMP Anniston did a great job of announcing the results as we went along and telling the story of how the match was unfolding. Projection screens at each end of the gym and the center showed the results so everyone could follow along. There were 16 shooters on the firing line. 8 for sporter and 8 for precision.
The precision match had all the drama a spectator could ask for. The 8th place qualifier worked her way up to a bronze medal finish, and since she was one of the local favorites and her team was in the stands loud cheers went up for each 10 and position she climbed.
For the final 2 shots of match there was a .3 differential between Silver and Gold. For each of the last 2 shots the tension in the gym was unreal and once the non-shooting crowd (parents) figured out what was transpiring they were as into the match as those of us who enjoy ISSF finals. The foot stomping, clapping and cheering was as loud as a basketball game and one of the finalists told me she actually could feel the floor shaking as she was in her final hold. The ultimate gold medalist came from .3 behind with 2 shots to go to win the medal match by .3. It came down to the last shot!
The audience was extremely enthusiastic and the finish could not have been more dramatic. It truly was exiting to watch and if the event had been televised it would match anything we watched lately from the ISSF and especially the OBS.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:06 am
by Jon Math
Oh it’s coming and I too fear 16 years is an optimistic wish. Look at the Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon; since 2009 they have gone from pistols to air pistols to laser pistols (no projectile at all). I’m surprised there is not a movement afoot to remove javelin, shot put, boxing, wrestling, fencing, biathlon, judo, all shooting sports, and any other combat sports I’ve missed and replace them with say competitive video gaming or some other PC want-a be sport.

Re: ISSF World Cup - Clapping Again

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:23 pm
by jhmartin
Jon Math wrote: some other PC want-a be sport.
Mud Volleyball