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Thank you very much. NT

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:42 pm
by Jtlittle

Re: Hints on setting up an iris

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:13 pm
by patriot
Starting out, completely close the iris then as you slowly open it look for the setting where the light pops - the target suddenly gets brighter. Someone may share their setting, but if your eye relief is different it won't help. Plus, everyone's eyes are different. For example, mine are very glare sensitive. If the conditions are changing, cumulus clouds blowing over for example, you may want to re-adjust. If the target gets dark or washes out, re-adjust. Eye relief is personal preference. One crazy friend likes his so close his eyebrow bleeds after a Palma match. Until you get comfortable with your setup don't go crazy with the filters.


Re: Hints on setting up an iris

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:33 pm
by Jtlittle
Thank you very much. Any hint on adjusting dioptry. It adjust from -4.5 to +4.5

Re: Hints on setting up an iris

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:37 pm
by patriot
Oops, I should have you closing the iris in the prior post; will correct it. (brain still on endorphins from kayak racing)

You want to focus slightly beyond the front sight so that your eye remains relaxed. Start with +.5 then experiment. The sight appears sharp and the target slightly out of focus. The rear iris helps to sharpen the target image, but too dark will cause eye strain.

Art has more in depth information on his site.


Re: Hints on setting up an iris

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:12 am
by GeraldC
Jtlittle wrote:Thank you very much. Any hint on adjusting dioptry. It adjust from -4.5 to +4.5
When I used one of these I opened the iris wide open and then adjusted the focus until I could read fine print at about a foot out from the front sight.Some may have the focal point further out or closer.Then I adjusted the iris as per other post.