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Increasing Eye Relief

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:02 am
by Bryan996
I have my eye relief as short as my shooting frames will allow however after studying photos of some ISSF competitions I have noticed a few shooters with a larger eye relief than I would consider normal, even when they have enough room to move the rear sight back. This got me thinking and making comparisons with using a Centra Duplex. I havent yet had chance to experiment but would increasing eye relief so the foresight takes up 50 to 75% of the sight picture make it easier to detect if the foresight was off centre? Obvoiusly I would lose my field of view. Any thoughts?


Re: Increasing Eye Relief

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:59 pm
by patriot
Run a quick foresight alignment experiment. Bench the rifle with the irons zeroed on a target. Now, move your head around. The foresight won't be centered but the rifle is still on zero. But, if you get too close to the edge your brain will see things that aren't there (someone said it had to do with cell width). And if you are moving your head around your cheek pressure is likely inconsistent.
