How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

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How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by zanemoseley »

I'm curious, I currently have a FAS 6004 pistol as well as a FWB 601 rifle. The FWB has a much nicer trigger, like in a totally different planet. Is the IZH close to the FWB or will I have to jump up to a Steyr to get a really nice pistol trigger.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by paw080 »

Never mind...Tony
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by Gwhite »

The IZH trigger is actually pretty good. It has a lot of adjustments, so you can set it up to suit your preferences. See:
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by slofyr »

Maybe the planetary science is lacking. The FAS trigger is excellent when adjusted properly.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by Wynne G Oldman »

I found the MP-46M trigger to be very good, especially for the price of the pistol.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by kevinweiho »

zanemoseley wrote:Is the IZH close to the FWB or will I have to jump up to a Steyr to get a really nice pistol trigger.
I would give a two thumbs up on my Izzy trigger, but if you want to have your cake and eat it too, you should get the Steyr.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by Rover »

You should buy a new Steyr LP10, SCUBA tank, and accessories. If nothing else, you'll give a tiny boost to the economy.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by zanemoseley »

slofyr wrote:Maybe the planetary science is lacking. The FAS trigger is excellent when adjusted properly.
Decent yes... excellent definitely not.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by slofyr »

zanemoseley wrote:
slofyr wrote:Maybe the planetary science is lacking. The FAS trigger is excellent when adjusted properly.
Decent yes... excellent definitely not.
- Last April you were an air pistol noob who liked the Daisy 717 and Beeman P17.
- In May you got the 6004.
- In June you were blaming “pulled shots” on the trigger and I directed you to info about adjusting it.
- On 8 August you posted:
"It has 4 adjustments but there are a whole lot of bad triggers hidden in those 4 adjustments. I've finally got mine set where I want it and don't plan to tinker any more. I probably have it at about 2 pounds, perhaps a bit lower. If you try to go lower expect slam fires. The trigger break isn't mushy but isn't extremely crisp either. I would have preferred a better break with less adjustments.”

Your criticism of the 6004’s trigger isn’t going to fly with me. It ain't the gun's fault, you need some assistance adjusting the trigger. Instead [like most of us], you will buy another pistol, then another, and another looking for the perfect one. If you stay in the precision shooting game, over the years you'll experience many triggers. At that point, you will be a better judge of them.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by zanemoseley »

Slofyr, since I've bought the 6004 I've also acquired a FWB 601 and Anschutz 1907, the FAS is not a match trigger like these rifles I don't care how much you want to say it is. I tinkered enough with the trigger to say it's as good as it's gonna get, it's a decent 1.5 pound trigger. If you want to compare it to pistol triggers its not as nice as either one of my bullseye 1911 pistol triggers.

I've never even handled the Daisy or Berman you say I'm a fan of, I was considering buying them, that's as far as I got with them.

As it stands I would still recommend the FAS to a beginner but you're getting a $375 pistol with a trigger that corresponds to its price. Its a decent bang for the buck.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by holmqer »

When it comes to results, in our local AP league which has a 12 match season with 25 participants, the IZH-46M is quite popular, and some shooters in theirs 70s regularly shot 530s this season with them, and used to do better when they were younger. The state record is 561.

So I would say for most AP shooters, the trigger won't hold you back.

My average was 506 for the season with an IZH 46M which beat some folks with Styer LP10s and Morini 162MIs, of course some PCP shooters beat me. It was not the gun that made the difference, it was the skill of the shooter that beat me.

Basically once you get over a certain level of quality, the gun will be better than most of us are capable of out performing. The IZH 46M is over that level.

Some day I might get a PCP but don't really expect that to make a real difference, it will just be a shiny new toy.
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Re: How good/bad is the IZH 46M trigger?

Post by Wynne G Oldman »

My Club is primarily for smallbore target shooting, but there are a small number of us that shoot 10M air pistol. The top shot uses a MP-46M. He beats all the other guys with Steyrs and Morinis (including me). I will beat him when I'm a good enough shot.
Morini 162 EI
Anschutz 1913 Supermatch
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