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Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK500

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 7:58 am
by stuann
As more people are getting these, it would be helpful to know of your individual experiences with regards to loading while in the prone position, specifically the need (or lack of need) to move the elbow of the trigger hand.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 11:54 am
by mpliuzza
Have you taken a look at the turbo rifle? It's port placement would be comparable to those two.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:37 am
by RobB
I can't comment on the 54.3 (can only afford the one new rifle) but I am now able to load very easily with the KK500 without moving my elbow. Only a very slight tilting of the rifle (and could probably do it without tilting). This is in prone. This is the main reason I changed from my 1813 Supermatch. I kept losing my position, now I don't.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:21 am
by Jason
Okay, but you'll still need to lift your elbow to adjust your sights -- it almost seems like a wash to me. But maybe I'm missing out on the "marginal gains" argument . . . ?


Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:28 am
by RobB
Rarely have to move my sights once I leave the sighter (indoors). As you say, it doesn't completely remove the need to lift your elbow but does reduce it considerably.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:42 pm
by Andre
Grabbing the pistol grip before placing your elbow down can help prevent your hand from pushing the rifle sideways if you need to lift your elbow for loading.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:56 pm
by txjm
I have been present when two different shooters tried a kk500 for the first time. One shooter is over 6 foot and one was female. Both have to move an anschutz 19 series to load, including picking up the elbow. Neither had to move much to load the kk500. It was very interesting to watch both of them would place the ammo well in front of the chamber until they got used to it. It isn't magic but it might help with one source of variability.

Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:57 am
by patriot
I used to try to shoot 22 shots high power prone while staying in position, I have long arms, but the position would slowly deteriorate lower until around shot 15 and I'd risk dropping a point. When I switched to taking the rifle down every shot, resting and watching the wind while the target was scored, the results improved. Yesterday shooting a smallbore 1600 I didn't take my rifle down but my routine was to deliberately reset my shoulder, right elbow, and cheek position every shot. The sharp edge on the precise stock cheek piece aided with the spot wield. The results, particularly the vertical, were excellent including a 200-19 metric (not enough wind shading on shot 18). For shooting outdoors, where you may have to break position to adjust the sights, the load with elbow down routine may be risky. If you are resetting the hold every shot what advantage does it provide? A friend that has made the palma team takes his Annie off his shoulder every shot, just as in high power. If it hadn't been for a weak round he would have shot a 1600 a little while back. My point is there may not be one "best" approach to consistency.

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Re: Loading from the shoulder - Anschutz 54.3 versus Wal KK5

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 8:01 pm
by txjm
i think this may wander a little away from the original question but it is very good to see rifles that do not require undue contortions or pulling the rifle out of the shoulder to load. Most people will benefit from the loading port location. It is almost as painful to watch a junior load a 1907.